Chapter 1. The Men In Black Suits

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Chapter One: The Men In Black Suits

Date: April 2010

Sophia's POV

All the kids were crowded around the television. It seemed to be as if I was the only one who wasn't invited, like always. I tried to see what was so important, but not even standing on the tips of my toes helped. Giving up, I asked one of the nuns what was going on.

"Today is the opening of the Stark Expo, so all the kids are here to see Iron Man live on T.V!" She exclaimed.

"Is there any more room up there, or is it too crowed?" I asked her.

"There's some room on the right side of the television."

I made my way through the crowd of kids and finally found a spot. Everyone seemed to be too engaged to even notice me sit down. After a few minutes, there he was. He came in flying right through the roof. Behind him, a bunch of women were dancing in very revealing Iron Man girl costumes. As some weird machines took his suit off, the crowd kept cheering loudly. That's when it hit me. He had this amazing perfect life, so many people loving him. Compared to him or just compared to most people, I had a terrible life. He was smiling, looking around the crowd. I wished I was with him so badly. I wanted to find him and I wanted him to accept me. But most of all, I wanted him to love me.

I hadn't realized I was crying until I felt a tear drop fall onto my arm. I wiped my eyes quickly before anybody had the chance to see. After the video of my grandfather ended I quickly stood up and made my way to my bed. I laid there and started to cry as hard as I could. I don't remember how long it took before I fell asleep.

The next morning at breakfast, Iron Man seemed to be the only topic people were talking about. Especially since he was on the news this morning. Apparently he was in a court meeting because the government wanted his suit. Of course Tony Stark wouldn't give up his Iron Man suit.

I sat there quickly eating my food, everyone around me engaged in a conversation. I wondered what eating breakfast in Tony's house would be like. For sure the food had to taste way better than here, because this food was not very good at all.

A couple weeks went by and everything was the same. I was in the middle of reading a book when Sister Jen asked me to follow her to her office. I wondered what she wanted. The first thought that came into my head was that one of the other kids probably did something or broke something and blamed it on me.

When we arrived at her office before opening the door she said, "Sophia, honey, there are some people who want to talk to you. There are nice people so don't be scared."

As she opened the door I noticed two men. One in a suit and the other one with an eye patch. "She looks just like him," the one in the suit said to the one in the eye patch.

"Alright, I'll let you gentlemen talk with her alone." Sister Jen said as she left the room.

"Hi Sophia. My name is Phil Coulson and this is Nick Fury," he said as he pointed to the man in the eye patch, "We are just going to ask you a couple questions first, okay?" he asked.

I couldn't really disagree right? So I nodded.

"How long have you lived here?" Phil Coulson asked.

"As long as I could remember, so my whole life."

"Ms. Jen told us that she gave you a letter from your mother on your 13th birthday. Is that right?" Phil Coulson asked again.

"Yeah, my mother wrote that the day I was born," I answered.

"What was in that letter?" Nick Fury asked me.

"My mother explained the circumstances she was in to make the decision of giving up her life for mine. She also apologized for leaving me alone," I told them leaving that she told me who my father was.

"Do you think we could read it, if that's okay?" Phil Coulson asked.

Great. Now what was I supposed to do. These guys looked serious. I knew I had no other option but do show it to them. I walked back to my bed and pulled out the letter from under the mattress. Once I was back, I handed it to Phil Coulson. He read it and turned to Nick Fury and said, "You were right."

Right about what? Those two were very secretive. Since the moment I walked in I could feel it.

Phil Coulson turned to me, "You didn't mention your mother informing you who your father is."

"Well, I don't mention that to people I just met and know nothing about. But I have a feeling you already knew who my father was."

"We did. It's half the reason why we're here," He responded.

"How did you know?" I asked him.

"That's classified. Now could you please find Ms. Jen and bring her here?" He asked.

I was completely confused. How could they know something only my mother knew? There was something more than just secrets with them.

"You called?" Sister Jen asked as we walked back in.

"How long will the paperwork and overall process take before we can officially take her with us?" Phil Coulson asked Sister Jen.

"Usually it's a long process but for your organization it will be less than two weeks."

Wait a second. These men were from an organization and they wanted to take me. I don't remember agreeing to this at all.

"Hold up. Let's pause for a second," I said standing up, "I'm going with you guys? I don't even know either or you."

"I guess you could say we're adopting you," Phil Coulson said.

"So I'm being adopted by the CIA? Wow," I said sitting back down.

"Wrong organization, it's a bit more like a secret agency," Phil Coulson said.

I knew there was something secretive about these guys. "Secret agency? Do you have like secret spies or something?" I asked.

"Yeah kind of like that. We deal with paranormal and superhuman threats. We're the line in between the ordinary and extraordinary."

"So I'm a paranormal threat?" I asked.

"No, you're more like a recruit," Phil Coulson answered.

"What's this 'secret agency' called anyway?"

"Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division, S.H.I.E.L.D. for short," he answered.

"I've never heard of it."


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Good night or good morning. It's almost midnight here :)

Guys! I am so sorry it took so long to update!! I had it all written I just needed to type it. So I did it! It's just, Tumblr has taken up my time so much.

-Another issue is when I pasted it onto Wattpad it messed up the format so I had to fix it. If it still looks weird, I'm sorry! :(

-I was working on an actual real trailer for my story!! It's pretty great I think. I'll upload it onto YouTube once the finishing touches are done.

-btw I try and keep chapters at least 1,000 words so this chapter is long enough!:)

-Also, I hope you liked the Chapter! I enjoy reading comments so please, go ahead and leave a comment! And vote!!!!

-PS: if you have a tumblr go ahead and follow me and just say you're reading my story or something and I'll follow you right back!

Thanks to all of you for taking your time and reading this!!!

-Jess :)

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