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The show ended, and Anakin went back to the temple for some clarity. So many things were on his mind. There was a way to save her, he knew this, but he had no way of learning it. A long hallway extended in front of him, red carpet laid against sand-colored marble. Dusty busts of heads and floral decorations accented the tall pillars which flowed upwards into towering arches. Wide staircases with intricate handles marked the entrances to separate classrooms and meditation rooms. Jedi in dust-colored cloaks roamed the hallways, exchanging pleasantries.

One familiar Jedi took notice of Anakin.

"Anakin," Obi Wan called. He flashed his signature smile and trotted over to Anakin.

Anakin tried to smile back, or even look up at his former master, but he couldn't.

"You look troubled." Obi Wan placed his hand on Anakin's shoulder. "Is everything alright?"

"Of course," Anakin stuttered. "I'm just a little tired. Somehow, he gained the strength to look at his master, and saw the concern on his face.

"I'm about to leave to Utapau," Obi Wan said.


"Is there anything you want to talk to me about?"

Anakin felt sick. He did need to talk to Obi Wan, but that meant revealing his relationship with Padmé. Would his master accept him? Would he be cast off? He needed someone to confide in, and Obi Wan was the closest thing to a father he had ever had.

"Actually, yes," he said, clenching his fists. "But we have to talk somewhere private."

"Of course," Obi Wan replied, "come with me."

Obi Wan led Anakin to an empty meditation room. He closed the blinds, locked the door, and sat down, cross-legged on one of the circular chairs.

"What's wrong?"

Anakin hesitated. "You must promise me that this conversation never leaves this room."

"Of course, Anakin." Obi Wan was sincere. "What is it?"

With a deep breath, Anakin asked. "Is it possible to save someone from dying?"

"Not that I know of, why?"

Anakin hesitated again. Should he tell him? Was it safe? Or would he lose his closest friend?

"Do you remember when you were captured on Geonosis?"

"Yes," Obi Wan replied. "You and Padmé came to save me." He smiled. "She turned out to be a better escape artist than you ever were."

Anakin chuckled. "Yeah. She still is."

He paused.

"You wanted to ask me about a memory?"

"No," Anakin sighed. "See, after that battle, Padmé and I decided to get married. We have been for three years."

Obi Wan was unsurprised. "I should have expected this. Is that baby... Yours?"

"Yes," Anakin answered. "But that's not what's concerning."

"Go on," Obi Wan pleaded.

Anakin took a breath. "See I used to have these dreams about my mother, before she died. I'd see her suffering, and then she'd die right in front of me."

"You've been having these dreams again."

Anakin nodded. "This time with Padmé. I see her dying in childbirth."

"And the child?"

"I dunno."

"I know you don't want to lose her, Anakin, but this is an ordinary part of life."

"I can't just let her die!" Anakin's eyes filled with tears. "I have to save her!"

"I never said I wouldn't help you. As soon as I get back from Utapau, we can visit the archives. They might have something useful. But now that we know, we can take better care of her when the time comes, and she may not die at all. Visions aren't always accurate."

Anakin drew a sigh of relief. "Thank you master."

"I will always help you, Anakin." Obi Wan drew his old padawan in for a hug. His concern as a parent overruled his concern as a master of his study.

Maybe there was a way.


Story Thanks to Emmaisdafawesomeboss

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