Anakin's Capture

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Sidious cut his way through a small battalion of clones, all of them turning away from him as he passed them. His anger was like a wildfire, destroying every good thought he had.

The commander, who stood on the very edge of the crowd, saluted Sidious, standing stiff as a board.

"Find Skywalker, and bring him to me," snarled Sidious, spitting his words.

Revenge was the only thing on his mind. He had to make Skywalker pay, and this new experiment may just be the key to his success.


The constant, repetitive sound of dripping drilled into Anakin's brain like a nail, each time a droplet hit the cold stone floor was another jolt of pain and annoyance. The dark tunnel felt small, and constricting, almost pushing into him like he could barely breathe.  In truth, the tunnel was so wide they could fit five people from one side to the other pressed shoulder to shoulder, but in the enveloping darkness, Anakin just felt trapped.

"I have to get out of here," he whispered to himself.

He hugged his knees closer to him, breathing deeply.




"I'm going to go see if anyone else survived," Anakin finally announced, jumping to his feet.

"Master, no. What if you get caught? They'll kill you," Ahsoka reasoned.

"I'll be fine, Ahsoka. Just stay here, guys. I'll be back."


Anakin kept to the shadows and out of sight, careful to never let himself be seen. There were too many bodies, strewn about, all of them victims of the clone's cruel blasters. The lifeless eyes of Jedi both young and old stared empty, their faces permanently contorted into a grimace of fear.

How could anyone, especially friends of the Jedi, kill this many people with no regrets?


Sidious was to blame, and Anakin couldn't help but to feel guilty. If he had never come to him about Padmé, maybe this wouldn't have happened.


Anakin took a distracted step out of the shadows and into full view of a small battalion of clones. Blue blaster fire came at him in a barrage of light. He barely had enough time to take out his lightsaber before he was knocked over by the force of all the fire.

The loud clack of clone shoes approaching filled him with dread.

This is where I die.

He felt a jab of pain, and the world and sky grew steadily darker. His vision clouded over, his breath slowing, until finally...


"We have to help him," Ahsoka pleaded. "Who knows what kind of trouble he could get into? What if he gets killed?"

"The general told us to stay here, so that is what we're going to do."

"Well, captain, I have authority over you, and I say we go help him."

"Actually, you no longer hold the position of commander, civilian Tano," retorted Rex. "But you are right. We need to get help."

"Thank you," she breathed as she walked past him.

They took off as fast as they could through the dark tunnels, the noise of their footsteps echoing back through the air.

Bright sunlight shocked their eyes as they emerged from the trapdoor entrance. Polished marble glinted red, and deep crimson footprints lead away from a heap of robes on the patio.

It was all they could to to keep themselves from throwing up. Ahsoka stabilized herself against the quartz statue of chancellor Palpatine. Ironically, floating above his hand was the symbol of the Jedi order. On his chest rested a medallion carved with the insignia of the Galactic Republic.

"We need to get out of here," whispered Rex, looking over at Ahsoka.

He crossed to her, and gave him his arm to stabilize her.

"Who is that," she gasped.

"You don't want to know."

"Oh no."

"It's a youngling."

"No," she choked.


Tears filled Ahsoka's eyeshadows she remembered the small girl that narrowly escaped the crystal cave, and yet was still scared for her friend still inside. She remembered her trying to save her from pirates by pretending to be a circus performer, she remembered how hard it was for her to put her lightsaber together. She remembered her, and now she was gone.

Rex held Ahsoka close, letting her cry. All of these friends, all of these allies had died today. It was right to be sad. He was of course suffering, too. All of his brothers were lost to him now, save only a few.

It wasn't fair.


A dark shadow came over them only for a moment, before a small ship landed in front of them. The hatch popped, and a friend emerged.

"Where is Anakin," asked Obi Wan Kenobi.

"Missing, sir," answered Rex. "He left to look for survivors."

"I told him to stay put," Obi Wan fumed. Now because of his own stupidity, Anakin could be in grave danger.

Ahsoka choked again, coughing and sobbing.

"Who is it?" Obi Wan gently placed his hand on Ahsoka's shoulder, looking over at Katooni's corpse.

"A youngling," Rex started to say.

"Katooni," Ahsoka interrupted. "It's Katooni." she sobbed again, her breaths coming in ragged gasps.

"Oh," Obi Wan sighed. He didn't know her, but he knew how close Ahsoka had been to the younglings.

"What if this happens to Anakin," Ahsoka choked.

"No, we won't let that happen. We're going to find him." Obi Wan wrapped her in his arms one last time, before letting go.

Fear and anger burned inside of him, but nevertheless, they set out into the overtaken temple.


Padmé sat, her ankles crossed, her hands tightly folded. She trembled, her body overcome with fear, but she couldn't look away as the temple burned. All she could hope was for his safety.

Suddenly, her clothes felt wet, and she was overcome with pain. It felt like a metal contraption opening and closing on her organs, her body heaving.

This was sure to be the end of her.

Anakin was right.

She was going to die in childbirth.


Story Thanks to Emmaisdafawesomeboss

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