The Sith

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Frustration teased Anakin all through the next few days. Obi Wan had promised to help, but how much help could he actually give? What about the baby? And Padmé? He had to talk to someone.

He visited the chancellor that afternoon.

"Anakin, welcome," called the chancellor in a singsong tone.

"Sir," Anakin replied. "I need to speak to you alone."

"Of course." Palpatine waved his guards away, and it was just them in the room. "Have you thought about what I told you?"

"Yes. I want to save her. But I don't know how yet."

"I could teach you."

"How? You are not Jedi."

"That it true. But there is more in this galaxy than just Jedi," Palpatine mused. "I have studied the force. And I found that the dark side offers many more advantages. The dark side leads to the power we need to save your wife."

Anakin's heart stopped. It couldn't be. There was no way. How...

"You are the Sith Lord!"

"Anakin, I can help you."

"I'm going to turn you over to the Jedi council!"

"Oh, so you should. But then you will never gain the power you need to save her."

Anakin's blood boiled. "You are a monster."

He stormed out of the chancellor's office. This man had been his friend, he had confided in him in ways he hadn't confided in Obi Wan. And now he knew the truth. But could he really turn him over? Could he let his friend be executed?

Anakin made his way through the crowds of people bustling about the west hangar. Master Windu stood by the landing platform, and Master Mundi and his battalion were loading onto a carrier.

"Master Windu," Anakin called from across the crowd.

Mace put his hand up, signaling that he would come over in two minutes, said his goodbyes and may the force be with you, and walked calmly over to Anakin. Mace had never truly trusted Anakin. After his insubordination when he attacked Count Dooku on Geonosis, Mace had a sneaking suspicion that Anakin was going to be a problem. This only became more apparent as he developed an emotional attachment to his padawan, and then became very angry about his position on the council, even though he was the youngest member. But if Anakin had something important to say, Mace should listen.

"What is it, Skywalker?" Mace calmly asked.

"Master, I have discovered the identity of the Sith Lord."

Master Windu dropped his calm exterior immediately.

"I have discovered that the chancellor is the Sith Lord. He has betrayed the republic."

"Thank you, Anakin. Myself and a few other will go and investigate."

"I should come with you."

"No, Anakin, stay here. I trust your judgement in this. But let us take care of it."

Anakin nodded, as his heart sank.

Mace gathered Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar, and Sassee Tin before heading up to the chancellor's office. As they walked through the halls to his office, Mace relayed the message.

"Skywalker has discovered that the chancellor is the Sith Lord we've been looking for. When we get in there, he will fight back, but we are stronger. Kill him, he's too dangerous to be left alive."

"He must be tried for his crimes," argued Kit Fisto.

"No. He has killed too many Jedi to be tried."


Anakin stared off into the sunset, which gleamed with orange, red and yellow light. But Anakin couldn't enjoy it. His thoughts were of Padmé. He looked around the room, Padmé's living room. This was such a magical place. He felt so at home here, with her smell, her being. He couldn't let that go.

He needed to stop Mace from killing the chancellor.


Anakin burst through the door, saber in hand. What greeted him there was more than he could bear. On the floor lay Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar, and Sassee Tin, dead. Their sabers were knocked out of their hands, and they were laying completely still. Across the room, in the broken window sill were Palpatine and Master Windu.

Electricity fizzled and popped, and Mace grunted as he pushed back the lightning. Palpatine had seemed to age, almost unrecognizable. His skin hung loosely off of his skull, in several folds across his forehead and under his eyes. He was no longer Palpatine. He was Sidious.

"Anakin," mumbled Sidious. "I told you the Jedi were trying to take over!"

"Don't listen to him, Anakin!"
Mace grunted and yelled, using all of his strength to push back. His hand slipped, and his saber flew away from him, striking the desk and clattering to the ground.

Heat emanated from the lighting that followed. Electricity coursed through Master Windu's body, and his scream pierced through the air like a siren.

"I-I can't hold him," pleaded the chancellor. "I-I-I a-am w-weak, y-you have to help me! I can save the ones you love."

Anakin hesitated. What if he really was telling the truth? What if... No. He had killed so many people he loved already.

"I will never join you."

The chancellor's needy look turned to a grimace, a deadly frown. He stopped shooting his lighting, gave Anakin a glare and jumped out of the window. He was gone.

Story Thanks to Emmaisdafawesomeboss

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