Darth Nurua

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This wasn't the time, nor the place to grieve.

Ahsoka wrung her hands, her fingers caked in dust and sweat.

Her master was gone, this was just the way it was. What was important now was to protect the padawans, whom she had so foolishly left behind.

She stood now, her breath catching in her throat and her eyes welling up, but she did not allow herself to cry. With the extra kick of adrenaline running through her bloodstream, she sprinted for the padawans. She had left them alone, unprotected, and she had to get back to them.

As she bolted down the last hallway, she sighed with relief to see that all three of them were still there, and safe. They stood in a circle, facing outwards, their hands joined.

"Come on," she called, "Obi Wan's been captured."

"What about father," a nervous Luke asked.

Ahsoka had to take a deep breath. "We'll talk about that later."

There was one other strong collection f the force in this building, or rather, outside. We burst through the heavy durasteel doors, to find Obi Wan, still unconscious, and Maul beside him, a smirk on his face. Barriss was gone.

"You, you monster," Ahsoka screeched, flinging herself at maul, her lightsabers blazing.

He was quick to respond, wielding his darksaber and blocking her blow, then making a strike back. She deflected his attack, and used the force to push him away, sending him soaring through the air, until her finally landed, skidding across the sandy ground of the base.

"Ahsoka," called Tye.

"Help Obi Wan," she barked, advancing towards Maul.

The three rushed to Obi Wan's side, attempting to wake him up.

With a grunt, Obi Wan opened his eyes, and clutched his hand to his head, right over his wound, which bled more consistently now.

Leia quickly ripped a strip of cloth from her soft white robe, and wrapped it around his head, applying pressure to his wound.

"Can you stand," asked Leia, her hands shaking.

"Yes, thank you," Obi Wan replied. His voice was weak, but not hoarse. "We have to help Ahsoka. She can't take Maul alone. Where's Barriss?"

"She isn't here," Luke said, igniting his saber.

Tye quickly joined his master, deflecting and blocking the blows of Maul's sabers.

"Come on," said Obi Wan, taking the twin's hands.

"Not so fast," a woman's voice called.

Obi Wan turned, igniting his lightsaber immediately.

Barriss grinned, and her eyes glowed a golden yellow.

"Barriss, you don't have to do this," Obi Wan pleaded.

"Barriss is dead," she laughed. "I am Darth Nurua."

Obi Wan gritted his teeth as he lunged for her.

She didn't even draw her lightsaber, as she raised her hands, lighting snapping and popping from her fingertips. Obi Wan quickly deflected it, but she shot again, this time not at Obi Wan, but at Leia. She fell to the ground, writhing in agony. Luke leapt out to cover her, and protect her from Nurua, but instead he was blown back by the force of Darth Maul's lightning. Electricity fizzled through his clothes, burning the thin fabric. Tye raced out to block another blast of electricity from maul, but was quickly hoisted up in the air, clasping at his throat. He coughed and spluttered, gasping for breath.

And Maul smiled.

Ahsoka screamed, her voice ringing out in anger, her despair and urgency resounding against the hills.

Maul broke concentration for just one moment, dropping his hold on Tye to block Ahsoka's assault. Tye dropped to the ground, gasping and reaching for breath, hacking up a lung and then falling to the side, laying on the dirt ground, wheezing for breath.

"Ahsoka, we have to get out of here," Obi Wan pleaded.

"Not without the padawans," Ahsoka said, making her way over to a nearly unconscious Tye.

Nurua suddenly appeared in front of her, a crooked smile across her face, as she threw a small, round poke the across the ground, and it burst into smoke. She blew a kiss at Ahsoka, grinning wide, before disappearing into the plume of smoke.

The smoke was thick and opaque, Ahsoka could barely see her hand in front of her face. Worse, the chemicals in the smoke seeped into the skin in her throat, making it burn. She coughed, only making it worse. Her visions phased between clarity and a blur, as her consciousness seemed to run away from her.

When the smoke cleared, the padawans were gone.


"We have to look for them," Ahsoka said, clenching her fist until her knuckles turned white.

"We have no time," Obi Wan argued. "We have to warn the others."

"You can do that, master," Ahsoka grimaced. "The padawans are more important to me right now."

"I will tell the others. Did you happen to see... Anakin?"

Ahsoka shook her head. "He's dead," as mumbled, "a tripwire set off an explosion that killed him."

Obi Wan's eyes filled with sorrow.

"I understand."


Story Thanks to Emmaisdafawesomeboss

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