The Trap

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Luke tapped his feet incessantly in the dark. Minutes passed like hours, and hours passed like days. Within the two hours that had passed, Obi wan had managed to sneak out of his position and meet up with his padawan, and wait there with him until Anakin was supposed to show up.

Obi Wan checked his comlink again and again. Still no messages from Anakin, and it was now 0400 hours. Anakin should have arrived shortly after 0200 hours.

"Where is dad," Luke complained. His hands were cold and he shivered in the darkness.

"I don't know," said Obi Wan. "He should have been here two hours ago."

"Obi wan," said Ahsoka's voice through his comlink, "Anakin still hasn't shown up, and it's been too long, do you think he was captured for real this time?"

"It's a possibility," answered Obi Wan.

"Maybe a group of us should go look for him," suggested Ahsoka.

"Good idea. You, Leia and Tye should meet me and Luke in the center communications room. The rest of the group should wait until 0600 hours, and if we don't return, should come after us. "

"We're leaving now," said Ahsoka as she climbed into the ventilation shaft.

"Is my father going to die," Leia asked, nerves making her voice quiver.

"Not if we find him first," answered Ahsoka.

Leia stayed silent, but she knew the consequences if they did not find him in time.

After a few minutes, they all ended up in the communications room, and split into different groups again. This time, Obi Wan took the twins, and Ahsoka took just her own Padawan. One group set out in one direction, and the other in the opposite direction.

The halls were peaceful for the most part, with the odd patrol of Jedi hunter droids and clones, no Sith to speak of. Obi Wan was thankful for this. No trouble would befall the twins tonight. It was silent, no ambient noise besides the tapping of their feet on the hard polished marble floor.

Suddenly, a banging sound came from a few rooms down the corridor.

"What was that," whispered Luke.

Obi Wan's breath caught in his throat. "I don't know. Stay here, I'll go check it out."


"Tye, stop!"

He stopped dead in his tracks, staring into his master's eyes. Her face was sullen, and her eyes were flaming.

"I need to go check something out," she said, "stay here."

"Don't leave me, master Tano, I don't know what to do!"

"Trust your instincts. I'll be back soon," she called as she took off.

A loud clang came from the room to her left, and she halted to a stop.

"Finally," a voice whispered. "We can use Skywalker to get to his precious children and that old padawan of his. Once they are dead, he will have no choice but to join us."

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