Who's that?

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"All right guys! Starting from tomorrow is summer break! But remember, the school is open all summer so you guys can hang out here if you want. Just make sure to have fun! Also we will be doing mini activities here so keep that in mind. I hope you guys have a great summer!" Professor Kukui said as the bell rang.

"YEAH!!! No more school! This is awesome!" Nathan said as he jumped out of his seat.

"I can eat malasada's all day!"
Hau says drooling.

"I can finally sleep all day!" Elio said as he yawned.

"Nope! You are going to train with Gladion and I. Right Gladion?" Selene said proudly.

"Wait, what?" Gladion said confused.

"I'm going to train too! Right bud?" I say as I look at Pikachu.

"Pika pi!" He says as he fist bumps my hand.

"I'm so excited! The beach, shopping and girls night!" Valentina squeals.

"I'm going to try and interact with more Pokemon!" Lillie says.

"I'm sure you'll do great!" I say with a smile.

She puts her hat down and mutters a thanks. Why did she turn around? She is a little shy so I guess that's normal. I never really understood her.

"I'll have more time to make machines!" Sophocles says with sparkles in his eyes.

"I'm going to go to Kiawe's and help out! I love that place! There's so many Pokemon and nature!" Mallow says.

"I'm going to he//// wait you're what?" Kiawe says as he just realized what Mallow said.

"Can I please go?" She says with Rockruff eyes.

"S-sure... I guess..." Kiawe says as he turns around. What's with everyone turning around?!

Valentina starts mumbling something. Not even going to say anything.

"Hey, since we have nothing to do after this, why don't we all go to the beach to celebrate the first day of summer!" Lana suggests.

"It'll be fun! Count me in!" I say.

Then, everyone agrees and grabs their swim suits. (They keep it at school because they have lessons in the water and stuff IDK)

It's my first summer in Alola. It's going to be the best summer ever!
Maybe I can catch more Pokemon and become more stronger! I'm so excited.

As we chat and talk about our summer plans we make it to the beach.

Everyone gets changed and and heads in the water.

"Last one in is a rotten Exeggcute!" Hau says as he jumps in the water, causing a big splash.

"But I don't want to go in the water. I hate the sun." Gladion complains.

"Oh, come on. I'll kiss you if you come in~" Selene says.

Selene and Gladion are dating. Which I really don't get what it means. Why don't they just say they're best friends?! I mean, it's the same thing right?

"F-fine whatever." Gladion says as he slowly gets in the water.

"Aww. Thanks!" Selene says as she gives him a kiss attack.

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