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"I thought I informed you to see her at NIGHT so I would talk to her in the morning" Mycroft snapped at his brother irritated. "I walked in on her abusing herself! I was NOT going to stand back and watch her" Sherlock and Mycroft were arguing over something gone. "We're in a hospital please keep it down, sir" A nurse said to Sherlock.

"If she said that to Ema, she'd already have a gun to her head by now" Sherlock smirked joking around. John and Mycroft narrowed their eyes at the detective. "Yeah, Viola would not though" John said in an as a matter of fact tone. Sherlock frowned in confusion "What? She does not do that sort of thing anymore?"

"Nope, she's actually against guns, knives, or anything violent" John informed him. "Wow she really has lost it" Sherlock grimaced. "Because of one person standing with us right now" John hinted irritated. "Would you get over it already?" Sherlock rolled his eyes. "Get over it?! You pretended to be dead for two years, come back, ASK ME FOR HELP on the night I wanted to propose to mary, I don't think I WANT to get over it" John snapped at last.

"You will have to at a certain point" Mycroft smirked receiving a glare from John "Just saying, Viola needs both you and Sherlock right now if you two will be in the same room together you're obliged to forgive him" Mycroft casually said. "Ill think about it" John said trying to end this discussion.

"The patient is awake, you may see her if you please I just need you to sign these papers" the nurse told John as she gave him the papers and he signed. "Stay here, I don't think it's a good idea to see her yet" John said as he stopped Sherlock from going in. "She'll have to get over it too better now than later" "Sherlock, stay back she needs space" Mycroft interfered, Sherlock had to listen.

Viola was lying down on the hospital bed, she was zoned out staring at the ceiling, she didn't even glance at the door to see who walked in. John walked over to her sitting by her bed as the two men stayed standing. "Viola, we're so glad you're okay" He started to the unresponsive girl beside him. He cleared his throat "I was worried sick about you" and still no answer. She hadn't even moved " are you feeling?"

"I dont want to talk to you John, please leave" her voice came out as a whisper. "I get you're still upset from last night?..." she didn't bother answering. "You know I was right, this is your body's way to tell you to stop" John said, calmly as he waited for a response. "I don't think this is anyone's decision but mine, I can do whatever I please John" She stated calmly. "You're not the one to decide, so sorry to break it to you, you start rehab tomorrow" Mycroft declared smiling at her pissing her off.

"Sure, we'll see about that" She rolled her eyes not bothering. Mycroft cleared his throat "So how did this happen? Were you trying to overdose?" "Leave me alone" She mumbled "What is the last thing you remember?" He pried. "None of your concern" "We need to know, your life's in danger so I recommend you start speaking" John supported Mycroft's investigation. She sighed as she started telling them what happened "I remember waking up, and I was uh starting my morning routine and I think I might have increased the dosage of heroin this time" She explained leaving out the part of her hallucination.

"That's weird..the doctor mentioned a cardio genic shock not overdosage, did you see anything that shocked you?" Mycroft was playing with her head, trying to get her to confess. The machine her heart was connected to started beeping faster showing her heart was beating rapidly as she gulped realizing that she might have actually seen him.

"A-are you um sure?" She asked. He nodded and her eyes widened entertaining the idea that she saw him. "What is it?" Mycroft asked prying like a dick. She took a deep breath "You know how I always have..illusions and um talk to..him?" She asked trying not to sound crazy. She sighed as her eyes welled up with tears "Uhm I've surpassed myself this time, it might have been the drugs but I felt he was real this time..and he was different this time.." tears were starting to stream slowly down her cheeks as she tried not to sob "I think.." she sniffled "I think I'm going crazy" she snapped, her tears running down like a waterfall as she cried in pain.

Sherlock x OC It is what it is Book 2Where stories live. Discover now