"dad of the year"

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i worked really hard on this part i hope you guys like it 


Hey its fiona again

The last time we met my life was a complete disaster

Hell my whole life is a complete disaster

But would i change it for the world

Hell yeah... what did you think i was going to say no! I hate my life but...

Would i change the people thats in my life

I wouldnt change them for the world.. I dont like how my life is but i love my siblings and friends

So i wouldnt change them for the world

Now on the other hand i would change some people

Like my parents... starting with my mom.

My mom is a total sweet heart at times but shes bipolar so which means she can also get very mean

And the drugs didnt help her disese much so i guess you can say she was all over the place

I think she wouldve been better off without my dad well i guess if that was the case i wouldnt be here to tell my part now would i

Now i know your asking me "WHERE IS THIS GOING GET TO THE POINT"

Well why dont i just do that then


"Girl now is the time to let loose so whats holding you back" v asked

"My thoughts but i am going out tonight i need it my life is hell" i chuckled

"Thats the spirit"

I was actually legit excited

Later that night we went to the club didnt even remember what the clubs name was

Actually didnt care if im telling the truth here

The music was so loud you can feel the base in your chest

Makes you want to automatically want to dance

So thats what me and v did we danced all night, flirted with some guys to get a free drinks

And then of course while we were dancing a guy runs by and steals my purse

So my natural reaction is to run after him he was too fast though

"Just forget about it were never gonna catch him" v told me

"Yeah there was nothing important in there anyways just thought it looked nice" i laughed

And then this guy came out of the club

"Are you okay i seen that guy stole your purse" he said to me

"Yeah he was too fast for me anyways im just gonna cancel my cards and stuff in the morning" i said trying to sound like im completely broke

We exchanged smiles as we were heading to the entry to the club

"Im sorry you guys cant go back in" the very large bouncer told us

"Well why not" v asked

No answer 

" cmon v lets go" just as we were leaving the mysterious guy gave the bouncer the narliest punch ever me and v started running and he ran with us

V went back home and the guy came with me back to my place

 "Im steve by the way" he said 

"fiona" i said back one thing led to the other and moral of the story we had sex on my kitchen floor meanwhile in the middle of our rough one night stand sex i hear a knock on the door we stop and i run in the bathroom too get situated

To my surprise steve opened the door

No not the bathroom door the back kitchen door where the knocking was coming from

"Hi" i heard steve say

"Uh is fiona here?" i hear a familiar voice ask him

I opened the bathroom door and walked to the back kitchen door

"Yeah im here" and i knew i knew that voice it was a very nice cop his name is tony he has the biggest crush on me i can see too other police men carrying a body

Tony ordered the men to place the man in the living room

They set him down and i said my goodbyes to tony as he walked out

All the mean while i told steve he should leave too.. And he did

And then i was alone with you guessed it

My father

Now maybe my mother would have been better off with frank anyways


was that okay?......  

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