"Fucking gallaghers"

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Hi my name is Fiona Gallagher I'm 21 years old and I take care of a house hold of kids.

Phillip is 18 we call him lip for short.

Ian is 16 he the nicest one.

Carl is 13 he's a badass.

Debbie is 12 she is just.. Debbie.

Liam is 2 he's just a baby and he's already living in hell.

Our moms a crackhead and our dads a drunk they don't give flying fuck for us so me 21 year old Fiona has to raise 5 kids... and there not even mine.

I wake up its a regular Saturday morning and I go downstairs to make breakfast the silence is broken by my front door open and close

"LIIIIP" Mandy storms.

Mandy milkovich you'll learn about them later.

"Where's lip" Mandy exclaims.

"Good morning to you too he's upstairs sleeping".

"Well I need to talk to him".

"Obviously" I say this house can never be quiet it always has to have some kind of noise.

 but my main question is, I thought mandy liked Ian and why would have to talk to lip. my thoughts are broken by Debbie coming downstairs.

"hey debs good morning want some pancakes" I say trying to sound normal.

"No not really hungry" she says.

"And why" I question.

"Because I can't eat there's this boy at school he says he likes me and I like him but I don't know if he REALLY likes me and I don't want to ask him cause I don't want to sound stupid so I can't eat with these thoughts I'm sorry" she says and walks in the living room.

The only thing flowing through my mind after that conversation is "she's twelve" what kind of problems does she have that make her not want to eat I shake my head and get back to cooking breakfast.

"Hey good morning" lip says and before I could say anything.

"I WAS LOOKING FOR YOU" Mandy says dramatically.

"Yeah I can tell by the way you screamed my name so Afghanistan can fucking hear you" lip argues.


"HEY GO OUTSIDE AND FUCKING ARGUE" i yell at both of them and as they were told they go outside and I can still faintly hear them screaming at each other and the same question bothers me what does Mandy want from lip and yet again my door opens and closes.

"Fiona!!" Vic says.

Victoria lovelies my best friend.

"Heyy" I say.

"You making breakfast?" she asks.

"Yea how else am I going to feed 4 kids plus myself" I sadly say.

"You forgot a kid" she reminds me.

"Yea Debbie's not eating" I tell her.

"Why is that" she asks,

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