"Its just a fucking snickers bar"

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He my names Ian Gallagher I'm 16 years old and I work at a corner store and my boss is gay so am I

"Ian before you leave I want you to lock up k" my boss says.

 "don't i do that everyday" I say.

 "don't press your limits Ian" we were interrupted by Mickey fucking milkovich.

 "I'll see you later" my boss roeim says and walks out the door.

"You got any slim Jim's in this shithole" Mickey RUDELY asks.

 "yeah there in the back" Mickey goes and gets a handful of slim Jim's.

"So what are you doing later on or are you ass fucking your boss again" Mickey asks.

 "I'm not ass fucking my boss" I say.

 "so your putting his dick in your mouth" Mickey inter pends.

 "not even Mickey I'm just seeing him later on that's all why the fuck do you care" I ask.

 "I'm not caring I'm just fucking curious doesn't have to make you girl and shit" Mickey says.

 "well Mickey I really don't care what you say" I proudly say "what the fuck does that mean"

"It means I'm not taking any of you shit" I abject "fuck off" our conversation was broken by a guy walking in.

 "hey Mickey down at the allibi there's a fight going on Nathan says if you split it up he'll give 50 bucks" this random guy says then mickey looks at me.

 "let me deal with this stupid shit and then come back and deal with your stupid shit" Mickey says and then leaves. Something about Mickey is off, I just can't figure it out but I bet I will it's just cause why would Mickey care so much of what's going on.

My thoughts are broken by my bosses wife coming in the store.

"Where is my husband" she asks.

"He left" I answer.

"I fucking hate that man" she mumbles and walks away then the door bell rings to let us know someone came in it was roeim her husband.

"And where the fuck have you been" she asks I was asking the same question but I didn't say anything just kept it to myself.

"I was out... getting stuff for dinner" he responded to her question I could she wasn't buying it. 

"Oh really why did you come back and not go home" she asks.

"I came to see if Ian locked up" I looked at him.

"Nah still here" I told him I knew I wasn't making it any better cause he looked at me like he wanted to rip my head off.

"Let's go I have some things to discuss with you" she said to him and walked out with him I decided to to lock up quickly and head home the question still rings in my head.

why is Mickey so curious?

Thoughts, conclusions, assuming all at the same time it's horrible that mickeys asking but also great that he thinks for the best for me but I try to shake it all off and head home.

Next day

I wake up with a gut feeling and it is not a great feeling, I feel like today is not a good day. I start to head to the store and once I got there I saw roeim something tells me not to trust him for some reason so when I walk in I just give him a smile and wave and walk to get my apron. once I lay a finger the door bell rings I look back to take a glance on who it was, it was Mickey.

"What did you come to steal" roeim asks I just sit back and watch.

"A snickers bar" Mickey answers he opens the snickers bar and takes a bite then I look at roeim he took a gun out and pointed at Mickey and clicks it.

"ITS JUST A FUCKING SNICKERS BAR" Mickey yells I tried to get over there and stop it but I didn't get there in time. i heard the shot and it hit mickeys leg, maybe this was the feeling I was getting my be this is why Mickey was concerned about me and roeim then I snap back to reality and try to help my friend I called the ambulance and they arrived Mickey had a warrant so after he was hospitalized they booked him. I started heading home but one question broke me.

Why am I sad?

Why do I miss him?


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