"may i trim you hedges"

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Sup I'm lip last name Gallagher my full name Phillip but I like to be called lip I live in a house full of kids known as my siblings I'm 18 years old and welcome to my hell.

I woke up cause it's never quiet in this house I quickly threw on some clothes and headed downstairs to find everyone running around to get ready for school, to be really honest with you guys i feel like im going to skip a couple of classes today.

"hey good morning" fiona says to me.

"morning" i answer back.

"are you going to skip school or actually going to get an education this time"

"im gonna try and stay for an hour this time" i say sarcastically.

"You should really go to school for a whole day your smart you can go somewhere"

I gave her a light smile She always knew what to say but school was the least of my fucking problems at the moment I walked out the house.

I arrived at this place they call school but it's all full of soon to be drop outs and 16 and pregnant wannabes that's why I always wondered why Fiona always wanted me to go.

"Hey lip!"
I turned around just to find Karen.

"Karen you scared the shit out of me"

"I was trying to find you yesterday but you weren't at school" she said to me

"Yea cause who wants to come here on a daily" i guess she didn't find my joke that funny cause her smile fell a little bit.

"Well I was wondering if you can tutor me on my biology I can really use some help" she asks politely

"Yea sure no problem I'll be around your house after school is that okay?"

"Yea that's fine"

She smiles and walks away.

Out of all the people in this fucking school and she picks the person that doesn't even come to school for a full 2 hours.

Makes logical sense.

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