Blue isn't him

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(Your point of view)

Blue Oak. He was so awesome! He was so good at battling and had good technique! He pretty much beats everyone! I'm fully aware that my chances are low, but I wanted to challenge him. The boy inspired me to become a trainer, after all. Blue was one year older than me, making him ten years. I'm surprised that he's so good. If he keeps getting better then he'll be champion in no time! I'm one of many voices, however.  He had many other fan girls, groupies. I'm not really all that special. But... if I beat him... I would sing praises to the moon and back.

I walked up behind the orange-brown haired boy, pushing past his groupies. I tapped him on the shoulder. "It's impolite to ignore challengers. I don't care if I win or lose. It's a bit of fun, let me indulge in it." I told him as I sent out a cyndaquil. My dad had brought one home from Johto and gave it to me. A large smirk was plastered on Blue's face. He sent out his eevee. He had won so many battles with it. I was going to fight his eevee. His pokemon. I bet all those groupies are jealous. They'll never get this chance.

*time skip to after battle*

As expected, Blue had defeated me. I held out my hand for him to shake and said, "Good match." He laughed and shook his head. "Ha! You think I mix with losers? Not a chance. Come back when you can beat me! Which will be never," he sneered. Huh... it's always the ones everyone loves that are the bad guys. I don't really understand what I'm feeling right now... the situation is just kind of sucky. Not because I lost, but because Blue is a big jerk. I never would have imagined that type of behaviour from him. No matter. I'll prove I'm strong! I'll become champion one day! You wait and see Blue! I'll be the yellow of the setting sun and you'll be the blue of the fading day.

*six year time skip*

I could sing to the sun and the planets three times over. My mum has agreed to move to Alola with me, so I could experience their culture. I heard they didn't have gyms, but were planning on constructing an elite four later that year. I even got to pick a starter from that place. My very own Alolan pokemon. My bags are packed, the boxes are full. The moving van is here. It's time to start anew in Alola and become their first champion.

Yellow... I'm yellow. I'm the colour of the sun and the dying light. I am what people stare at in awe when the moon rises. I'm going to have a place in this world. I'm going to prove myself. My challenge in life is to defeat Blue. It's been six years since I've been near him. How old would he be now? 16. I wonder if he's changed? I wonder what type of person he'll be. I hope he's grown up. Blue... I'm coming for you. I'll take you down.


It is the brightest color that the human eye can see. Yellow color meaning represents youth, fun, joy, sunshine and other happy feelings. It is a cheerful and energetic color. The color yellow is often used for children’s toys and clothes. The yellow color is often hard to read when placed on a white background, so designers must be careful when using the color yellow. It quickly becomes hard to read and you might not notice it at all. Although yellow is a bright and cheerful color, it can quickly become dirty and unpleasant, as it approaches the darker shades.

The color yellow is related to learning. It is a color that resonates with the left (or logical) side of the brain, where it stimulates our mentality and perception. The color yellow inspires thought and curiosity and it is creative from a mental point of view – the color gives new ideas. The yellow color helps us find new ways of doing things. It is a practical thinker and not a dreamer.


Blue is a cool and calming color that shows creativity and intelligence. The color blue is a popular color among large companies, hospitals and airlines. It is a color that symbolizes loyalty, strength, wisdom and trust. Blue color meaning is also known to have a calming effect on the psyche. Blue is the color of the sky and the sea and is often used to represent these images. Blue is a color that generally looks good in almost any shade and it is a very popular color, especially among men.

Blue is sincere, reserved and quiet, and do not like to make a big deal out of things or attract too much attention. Blue hates confrontation and likes to do things its own way. From a color psychology perspective, the blue color is reliable and responsible and radiates security and trust. You can be sure that the color blue can take control and do the right thing in difficult situations. The blue color needs order and planning in its life, including the way it lives and works.

Champion (Bluexreader)Where stories live. Discover now