Where? Who? What?

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It was dark and chilly. I was on something freezing and hard. Pain was all I could feel. Where was I? Where am I? Who am I?

Slowly, I got up with discomfort to see where I was. Looking up at the sky, it was black and there were little white dots in the sky. Strange. I looked at my surroundings, there were  tall buildings, and  some of lights were on. But I didn't know what was inside. I stood up and immediately fell down. I was dizzy and sick. I got myself up again and limped towards an unfamiliar place, I've never seen anything like it before. But I could read it, it said, "Seven eleven." Odd. Again, I limped towards the place and fell once more holding onto the door. I saw a man inside, it looked as if he was the only one in there. He looked down at me and rushed towards my almost lifeless body. 

"Whoa there, what happened to you?" he said while hanging onto me.

"Wh-where am I?"

"Uumm New York City"

He helped me up and took me behind into a place where there were many boxes filled with supplies. He pulled out a chair and sat me down, and pulled a chair for him.

"Hold on let me get something for you to drink." He told me as he went out the door.

I stared at him as he left. I peeked around. Boxes, many boxes. Some were filled with items, others weren't. It was also cold in here, but warmer than outside. Moments later he came back with a cup.

"We ran out of water sorry, I got you coke."

I shrugged and my instinct kicked in making me gulp it all down. It was fizzy, but it made me feel a lot better. I looked at the tag on his shirt, which said Max.

"Max?" I said out loud confused on what it meant.

"Oh, yea it's my name. What's yours?"

"I..I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know. It's your name how could you forget?"

He let out a laugh but I stayed quiet which lead to an awkward silence.

"I um mean I really don't know. I have no idea."

"Well do you have a home, friends, family?"

"Nope, none of those things."

He looked down for a moment and looked at his watch.

"Hm, well I get off of work now, we could go to my apartment, I have friends there. We could help you out if you would like."

"That would be nice, thank you." I smiled at him, he smiled back

He got up and I followed him taking the fizzy drink to get more. I followed him back outside into his car. He opened the door for me and I sat. He came around on the other side and started driving.

"So do you know how you got there?"

"No, I honestly just woke up and walked over here."

"You mean the gas station?"

"Oh, yea."

"It's ok you must've hit your head hard somewhere and passed out."

"So what should I call you?"

I shrugged "I don't know."

"Hmm" he thought for a moment "I'm getting a Karma vibe from you, so I'll just call you that."

"I like that name, but what does Karma mean?"

"Karma, you know do good things, good things come to you; do bad things bad things come to you."

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