Connecting The Dots

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We pulled up into the driveway. I took out the silver knife Jayden handed me a few days ago. We exited the cars to enter the house and take down Malaria. Jacob stayed back, for some reason I could somehow feel his pain. The pain of betrayal, and the lack of motivation to wake up everyday. 

Slowly opening the door, Max and I took the upstairs, while Jayden had taken downstairs. Max and I silently walked into her bedroom. We peaked inside, through the small crack of the door. She was on the bed meditating. Jayden came up to join us. Malaria got up and turned her back to us. I walked inside cautiously trying not to make a noise.

She lifted her hand and somehow threw me against the wall. She then lifted her hand and made me stay on the wall, tightening her grip. I put all strength I had left to get my knife but it dropped.

Max and Jayden came in reciting some kind of spell, but in a different language. Max fired a bullet, aiming right into her head. She fell onto the floor and so did I.

Both the guys picked up her lifeless body and dug a hole in the backyard. They put things into the hole and dumped her body. Jacob came in and lit a match. He threw it onto her and walked away sitting on the ground watching. He looked numb, we didn't talk, we just let the silence come.

Jayden and Max took the shovels and started putting the dirt on her. They finished up and we all walked inside packing up our things. I took all of Valentines stuff and packet it into the extra bag I had.

"Should we get her and go to the new place?" Max asked me.

"Yea I suppose."

"Alright, I'll be in the car."

I looked around incase we forgot something. I headed out the door and walked towards the car. I opened the trunk and put the two bags inside. I saw Jacob locking up the house and walking to his car, with Jayden in it. I opened my door and we left to Valentines school.

"This has got to be one of the weirdest days ever."

I nodded. "Where do you think James and Samantha are?"

"From what we witnessed with Malaria, I want to say they're with the father figure."

"The strange part is, why would they want to let us go?"

He thought for a moment.

"Maybe he wants to save us for James and Samantha. For killing Anera and Karson."

I looked down from hearing Karsons name. I missed him.

"By the way, I never got a chance to really say I was sorry about him."

"Did you know about his teleporting powers?"

"Actually no I didn't. We thought he was human."



We pulled up into the school. Jacob went out to get Valentine. She was out playing with her friends. She saw him, and ran towards Jacob giving him a hug. She looked at us in the car and we waved at her.

Jayden lead us to where we were going to now live. Again, there was a lot of traffic so I drifted off to sleep.

What I saw was horrifying. I could only see flashes. Max and I in a forest, surrounded by a few people. He and others were all dressed up. In another flash, I saw James and Samantha from the tree. I could hear screams and cries from all over. Max blocked me from something. I couldn't see because he was actually yelling my name. I woke up, I looked down with my body covered in blood. 


Again, I'm sorry about another author note. I rushed through this story a little so I apologize if there were a few mistakes; and if the story paced a little quicker than usual. I'm currently getting ready to go back to school to help with our play so wish me luck! 

I don't promise anything, but I will try my very hardest to be active and post as frequently as I can while I'm away. 


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