Chapter 14 || Embers of A Fiery Light

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How could she be so ignorant? I told her not to come. It can be dangerous, but does she listen to me. The fecking prince of the kingdom. Of course, not that would only be the logical thing to do! Now, my men are sending her into the camp alone, and she is all too willing. A sheep into a den of wolves. I knew as soon as I thought that she was no sheep, but there would be so many. How could she be expected to do this? Guilt washed over me as I recalled the look on her face. I never said she wasn't beautiful, anything with eyes can tell she is radiant with her brown locks, big eyes, and pouty lips. It's sinful really how utterly- I gulp back the thoughts creeping into my mind. It doesn't matter. At this moment,  I will say anything it takes to ensure this plan does not happen; her plan. Any other person, I might be able to see the brilliance behind it, but how are we supposed to protect her when she is going by herself? And Conrad is doing God knows what. I groan.

"She's different than most," James chuckles beside me, and I can hear the question in his voice. He is inquiring more than he should.

"She is going to get herself killed and you lot are allowing it," I sigh, allowing my frustration to release. 

"Have faith, brother," James pats me on the back, as though this is going to give me comfort. "You'd be surprised by what a single woman is capable of."  I scuff at his remark, and rant silently in my head, "Capable of getting us all killed and anciently starting a war. That's what I think she is capable of!" 

I hear both Conrad and Ember laughing behind the trees and become impatient calling to them to hurry up. After what feels like ages Ember emerges out of the woods, and she has been transformed into the image of temptation. Ember's dark brown hair is out of its usual restraints, flowing down her back, and shaping to her face. Against her fair skin lies the rosy cheeks, I only see when she blushes profusely. Her lips are slightly swollen and begging to be taken. Her soft shoulders pleading to be caressed, while I slowly move farther down. Her doe eyes, hidden behind thick lashes, find mine, and I have to catch a breath. 

"Wow," James calls, and I smack him in the gut. An overly zealous Conrad steps out from behind her, and I want to throw a rock at him just to put an end to that grin. My eyes wander back to the beauty in front of me. A small smile forms on her lips as she watched our reactions. And I see something behind those usually guarded eyes. It's a look I have seen in the glances of every girl, but her. Not even when discussing her parents with me, did I see this; a flicker of vulnerability. In that one moment, her guard is down and I catch a glimpse of the woman behind the strength and stubbornness. But just like that, the wall is back, and she gives me a knowing look. 

I've been staring or should I say gawking, at Ember. Clearing my throat, which as suddenly gone dry, I state, "You look... different." I regret the word as soon as I say it. What a stupid thing to say! I am usually much more charming. I think to all the other women I have talked to, and then I remember Ember is not like the other girls. She's fire and ice. I take in her reaction to my words, and she seems indifferent. Perhaps, I had only made up that moment. I'm only a prat to her, and rightfully so. I pull my eyes away from her, to find Conrad. "She can't go like this," I try to keep my voice level, for I'm right. We know nothing about them and she is so pure despite her forwardness. "What if I-" I begin, but she won't hear it. 

"I'm going and that is final," she stated, her unwavering eyes holding a challenge daring me to protest again. The men seemed to go away for a moment and it was just Ember and me. She moved towards me until she needed to look up to hold my gaze. "I am doing this for my kingdom.  Don't dishonor me by denying my opportunity to serve my kingdom. You spoke to me once in a manner I will not allow. I don't care who you are, if you do it again I will kick your ever-loving Princey arse." I saw the reason behind her name the embers of a fiery light. I surprised, not only myself but her as well, by smiling back.

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