Chapter 30 || Medically Dangerous

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Luca didn't wait to watch the invading soldiers leave. He didn't put me down either. Walking down the halls, we were out of view of watchful eyes. He gently set me on my feet, and I wanted to quickly roam the streets helping the people fallen. I needed to help them, but I caught one look of Luca and knew he wasn't ready. He seemed unsure. Has through the events that had just occurred had not hit him yet. He still thought he was at war, but could see no threat. I bent down and ripped off a piece of my dress, bringing the cloth to his face. I began gently removing the grime. "It's over," I whispered. "It's over," I tried again, trying to find him again. Finally, I could make him out under the layers. I dropped the cloth and brought his face to rest upon mine, placing my hands against his cheeks I coaxed him to look at me. "It's over."

Then as if a bucket of cold water had splashed him, he came back to me. "It's over," he smiled. Pulling me closer to him, "You're alive," he added, encircling my waist to him. I should care about the blood caked to him or the people I need to help, but his blue eyes are locking with mine, and I can't look away. He leans into my touch breathing softly as if trying to soak in my feel and scent. He begins to lightly caress my neck and collarbone. Any other man I would have already cut his hand, but Luca's touch is my peace, for I know he's here. He's perfect.

My hands have gone to his chest, feeling the armor. "We should-" I begin, but he shakes his head. 

"We will, but first," he begins, not taking his eyes off mine as his thumb lightly traces my bottom lip. I'm shocked by the contact, but don't pull away. Using the hands on his chest, I pull his body down towards me. Our lips found each other instantly. It was as though the small contact was the unleashing so much more. I hadn't been ready for the giddiness that took over my whole being at having Luca in my arms, alive, and well. Every movement of his lips on mine was just more of a reminder. I met his every move, before pulling back enough to see his face and catch my breath. He smiles at me, before leaning down, to place a gentle kiss on my nose. "I love you, my little spark," he whispers as if trying to keep this moment just between us. I feel my heart beating out of my chest. The words wash over me, and I want to kiss him again. I want him to hold me in his arms. I want him to say it again and again. I want to repeat the words.

But I don't and I won't, for ice water enters my veins as I remember my place in the Kingdom.I am not a princess or a knight. I'm not even sure I am a true citizen of Irales. I am an outsider to this castle. I don't belong. My heart breaks as instantly as I the thoughts emerged from my mind.

He senses my change, but before he can say anything further, I take my leave. He pulls my hand to bring me back to him, but I shake it off, "No, please."

"Ember, talk to me," he pleads, and I want too. 

"Let me go," I state firmly to him, before leaving. Tears I had been holding in cascading down my face. I feel sick, but I have work to do, so I suppress all thoughts of Luca and focus on the wounded.

Slowly, but surely we find normalcy again. I found out the truth of that day. Luca had tricked everyone. The men believed they were going to storm in, but he didn't want any more death. Because that's the kind of man he is. The truth just made me want to scream. I wanted to yell at him for putting himself in that kind of danger, but I won't and I can't. At times my mind tortures me with Luca. He's everywhere. I have ignored all attempts to see him. It's for his own good. The kingdom is in ruins and does not need a stable girl right now. 

I'm cleaning Delc's stall when the door opens, and I hear Davis, "Ember! Ember!"

"What is it?" I call to him, stopping what I'm doing and coming out of the stall towards him. He grabs my hand instantly and beings dragging me out.

"It's Luca. I don't know what wrong with him, but it's not good. He's hot with fever and shaking in his sleep. Yesterday, he complained of something with his stomach, but-"

"Take me to him," I ordered, following quickly beside him through the familiar court, where just months ago we faced near death. Up the stairs and halls where I had helped Luca hobble to his escape. I pick up the pace thinking about his form in distress. I practically burst through his chamber doors, and find Luca standing by his dresser in confusion.

"Ember," he smiles sweetly. "What do you need?" He asks. 

"Um, Davis," I begin looking around, but Davis is not here. "Nothing. I should go," I tell him, backing away. 

"Wait," he rushes forward, taking my hand into his. The warmth of his touch spreads from my palm to my very soul. "Stable girl," he whispers. "Don't go again. I won't allow you to walk another step without me by your side."

My heart is racing fast in my chest, it could be medically dangerous. His soft words replay in my head, and I focus on the part that irritates me the most. It's the only way to get out of this moment that is crumbling every stone I put in place to keep me from him. "You won't allow me?" I say through narrowed eyes, but it doesn't phase him. 

"No, I won't. You stubborn woman," he winks.

"You pratty, prince," I reply easily. 

"King," he shrugged, humor in his eyes.

"Oh, my apologies, pratty King," I mock. He tugs on my arm lightly taking away the few feet of space between us. "This can't-" before I could finish he brought his lips to mine, kissing me as he had that first time. When I tried to push away he wouldn't have it. Soon my resolve was broken and I was lost in his arms. 

"Unless." He said between each gentle kiss. "The. Reason. Is. You. Don't. Love. I. Don't. Want. To. Hear. Any. Other. Excuses." I pulled away then and his eyes searched mine. 

"I can't say that. I don't know how it happened, but I've fallen in love with you," I tell him honestly, and can feel the weight being lifted off my shoulders. If it wasn't for his body pressed to mine, I might've floated away. 

He pulled me in again, and instantly my lips sought his. That's when I heard someone clearing their throat, and looked to see Davis standing in the threshold of Luca's room. A smirk is clear on his face. "So, I see you cured him."

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