Chapter 18 || Nasty Right-Hook

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We talked all night about everything and nothing not bothering to wake the men to take a shift. I refused to allow my own tired eyes to fall, as I listened intently to the woman curled up in my lap. The warmth and softness of her skin is so inviting. I caught her big brown eyes closing for longer periods of time each time she would blink, and would gently shake her awake. "When will you be able to sleep?" I ask for she appears to need it just as I. She sighs, but shrugs.

"I'm not sure," a yawn takes hold of her, and she lets out an easy stretch. I find myself having to look away at the enticing site. Her back pressed against my chest, and I can't stop my minding from wandering to all the other things we could do to keep her up. "But I think I'll be fine," she smiled softly, sleep taking hold of her features.

"I don't accept that answer," I tell her, truthfully. Now, it's okay for her to maybe go to sleep?! 

"Too bad. I'm sleepy," she sighs, and I can tell by her easy breathing that she is close to sleep.

I stay up for another hour or so simply checking her breathing patterns. I'm not sure what I'm searching for, but she seems well enough. I let my eyes close as the darkness of night is slowly being lifted. 

"Awe, their kind of cute," I hear someone coo close by. I try to lift myself up, but remember that Ember is curled up in my lap. She hadn't moved since I fell asleep. When was that? I squint up to see Conrad and James both smiling far too widely for the morning. "Good morn, uh" Conrad winks suggestively towards the woman still sleeping on me. 

I glare back at him, and James just starts chuckling loudly. Before I can say anything, Ember lets out a deep sigh as though she is beginning to wake, her head lightly turns, giving us three a clear view of her peaceful features. She seems to snuggle closer to me, and I try not to gap at her movements. 

James cocks a brow towards me in shock that Ember of all woman would be this close to me, especially after the day before. Ember's head slowly lifts, keeping her eyes closed, not wanting to truly welcome the day just, yet. It's cute watching her just be. That is until she begins to stretch and her right-hand collides with my nose. "Awe, feck!" I cry, holding on to my nose, as James and Conrad let out bellowing waves of laughter. I wince, seeing Ember's worried and shocked face inches from mine. 

"Ooh, I'm so sorry. I'd forgotten how close you really were. I-I, " she let out a sigh, dropping her sentence, as her focus drew to my nose. I released it and scrunched it up to see how made it was. Sore, but nothing too serious, I conclude. 

"You've got a nasty right-hook, little spark," I comment, smiling at the blush that spreads across her face. It was the second time, I had used the nickname. I hadn't meant for her to hear me use it the first time, but when I had seen her reaction I couldn't help it. I turned to see Conrad and James eyeing each other, as though they were having their own conversation. "Is the prisoner ready?" I asked, trying to break them up. The last thing I require is my trusted knights talking about me and a certain stable girl in such ways.

"Yes, my lord," James smirked, seeming to know full well my purpose for changing the topic. I turned to see the giant sleeping and secured to Delc. 

"Well, let's get back to Irles, shall we," I smile, peering down to Ember, who still hasn't left the comforts of arms. She gives me a firm nod.

Soon we are crossing the through the last of the forest walls to outskirts of Irles. We stop at Ember's parents home, and she appears confused. "What are you getting at, Princey?"

"It's been well passed when you said I would recover, and you have been absent. I don't want getting tangled in any of this. I will come get you when I know no trouble will come to you," I state. She huffs, but carefully climbs down Frea, knowing I'm right.

"Make it quick," is all she states, and I catch her eyes. I see the hesitation and the light trace of nerves at having to stay at the house, whilst her parents both died by herself. I can only imagine what she must be feeling.

"I promise to be back as soon as I can. Worry not," I try to ease her growing worry, but I know in this moment nothing can fix what I'm asking of her. She waves a goodbye to both Conrad and James. 

Then, a fierce look takes hold of her once soft face, and she states, "Go save our Kingdom."

God, she is beautiful. That fresh look of determination set into her features, and I'm shocked by the sudden chill that runs down my spine, and grabs hold of my stomach. I don't want to leave her. But the men nod at her, and beginning trotting off on their horses, for that is the logical response to Ember's comment. Not mine, which has my mind want to take her into my arms and never let go. I shake my head to disperse such images, but unlike the times before they are harder to rid from my mind. 

Reluctantly, I finally force myself to join my men. I can feel Ember's brown eyes boring into my head and it takes everything I have not to entertain my own heart and turn to her. We are finally beginning to see traces of my people, but there is something amiss. I'm not sure what it is. We get closer and a foul smell hits my nose. What is that? I have never experienced such a displeasing smell in all my days, and there is smoke, coming from the far right of the castle. I lock eyes with Conrad and James, who have also stopped riding, as well. 

"My lord, that's the smell of burning flesh," James states solemnly, and I rush forward towards the smoke. 

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