Chapter 21 || Just Don't Die

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I was almost out the door when Conrad and James pushed through, they seemed to be towing someone. I helped make way for them to get to the table. There, they laid the man, and I noticed the dark black hair and light blue eye colors of Davis. An audible gasp left my lips as I saw the lanky man groaning and withering in pain. Ferbius moved quickly into action, he became calling out commands and moving meticulously around Davis, but I simply retreated. 

"Conrad," I whispered, and his eyes found mine. I didn't have to ask he knew what I wanted to know.

"He was taken by the Queen's soldiers. I don't know where our knights are," he added solemnly. 

"The Queen?" I asked. 

"Francesca of Ramila. She's-" Conrad stopped, as Davis started to shudder uncontrollably. "What's wrong with him?" He asked, preparing to go to Davis, but James stepped in his way pushing Conrad back.

"There is nothing we can do for Davis. He is in the best hands," James states, looking to me. I was shocked a knight looking to a Stable girl the thought was unheard of, but I accepted the trust with a nod.

"Right. We need to save our Kingdom. This is our territory. We know the castle better than any of them," I remind them. 

"He will be held in the upper dungeon. Harder to access, but easier to interrogate," Conrad spits, and I have a bad feeling that interrogating means torture. We need to get him out of there. We think up a plan together, but it is formulated with speculations and little understanding about the people we are to face. There are too many What if's but it is the best we can do. 

"Alright, let's go, but I have a few places we need to stop at first," I smile wickedly, and the boys just nod. Before we leave, I take hold of Davis's hand and give it a light squeeze. "Stay with us."

He tries to chuckle, but it comes out strangled with pain. "I-I knew I liked you," he winces. My eyes seek out, Ferbius and I give him a loving hug, before exciting with the men. We went the same way I had when getting Fabius's bag. As soon as we arrived at our little home, I pushed open the door and rushed towards the shelving where I found a few of herbs. I grabbed a few of the deadliest and began concocting my very own poison. Just don't die, I kept praying, as though Luca could hear my thoughts. When the potion was complete. I put the small vile into my satchel.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side," James chuckles. I smile and we leave as quickly as we entered. Our final stop is the stables, which is a bit more tricky. Moving swiftly from the doorway to ally we trail James and I trail Conrad. I make quick notes of how close we are from the actual grounds, two more meters. Conrad makes a motion with his hand and James halts me. I give him a silent look, but his eyes are trained on Conrad awaiting the all clear. I hear people talking in whispers and footsteps on the gravel. We stay put. James even pushes me closer to the wall. Soon I hear nothing, They're gone, but Conrad hasn't moved. 

My heart is beating so fast, I fear it can be heard by the others. James' eyes met mine and he slowly lets out an easy breath as if instructing me to do the same. I follow his lead and he nods. A moment later, Conrad is moving and we are following as before. I see the stables slowly being revealed. We are almost there! I motion towards the back, remembering the secret exit, I discovered long ago. We don't know if there are any guards in here, but I'm going with 'yes'.

When we are gathered outside of the stable, I move the two panels in the wooded wall over quickly opening a gap. The hole, however, is far too small for the large men to fit through, so I must go alone. "Be careful," I mouth to the boys, and before I can disappear into the gap, and I see James smile and Conrad wink. How are they so calm? I roll my eyes and move. Sticking to the wall, I listen carefully for any sign someone is in here. 

So, far nothing. 

Staying low, I move to the latch under Delc's stable, and there I find the small collection of weaponry, my father left behind. He was a hunter. I knew these would come in handy eventually. I grin to myself, but then a loud slam echoes through the stables. Someone else is in here. I hunch down and tip toe over the hay and peak over the door of the stable. There, I see a man dressed in armor. His long brown lock peaking out from behind his helmet. He dawns the symbol of Irles, but he is not familiar.

What if he is one of us? What if he's not? I need to get out of here. Luca may not have this much time. I search the stable. What can I do? That's when it hits me. A simple, but brilliant plan, if I do say so myself. Stay low, I chant and hurriedly move under each of the stalls trying my best not to disturb the few horse still in theirs. Luckily, I care for all of them, so they are used to seeing me, do strange things, especially when cleaning their stalls. In each, I gently unclasp the latch, by the last, I am back in Delc's stall. Then, I release a loud whistle, and the horses go push open the stalls and dash out of the stable. The guard being pushed along the way, trying not to get stamped. I gather the weapons and leave the way I came. Conrad and James help me by taking the arrows and crossbows, and swords into their own hands. "What was that?" Conrad asks. 

I shrug, and James chuckles again, "Remember what I said previously. I'm staying on your good side."

Everyone takes, what they are strongest at. Leaving me with a dagger strapped to my thigh, bows attached to my back, and a crossbow in my hand. I eye James and Conrad and they nod. 

"Let's go save a Prince," Conrad states, his face growing hard with each word. Here are the knights.

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