Keito's Glorious Exploration

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Title: Keito’s Glorious Exploration

Genre: Humor

Character: Keito

Author’s Note:I don’t use drugs just meds. Blame my keyboard for grammar errors.

It was a very cold winter night. Apparently, work got cancelled because of the heavy snow.

The nothing-to-do Keito decided to open his laptop to suppress boredom.

“Ooh..What should I..wait. Igot an idea” Keito murmured to himself.

When everyone’s bestfriend, Google loaded completely on the screen, surprisingly,Keito typed his own name. Yes, his name, Okamoto Keito.

“Wow. I never thought I’m this popular outside Japan.” The English boy stated.

Being able to study and stay in England for nearly four years, he sure can comprehend English and apparently he still uses English as his language at his school in the samurai country.

“This sounds interesting. Livejournal,huh. I wonder what this page is all about.”

After twenty minutes of browsing the said website, Keito suddenly blushed.

“I..I never thought that someone will write stuffs like these. Me and Yuto…what the hell are they thinking”

“But-hey. I’m in high spirits whenever Yuto’s with me. So let them be.”

Keito closed his laptop with a wide smile in his face.

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