Chapter 7

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Adam's POV

I was so hyped up this morning cause im going to see Laya today I know I still haven't ask her out yet but,im not sure when the time is right. So I grab my things head to school and went to class.

Adam: Hey girly...

Laya: Hey how was your weekend.

Adam: Mine was pretty chill how about you?

Laya: Well I went with my friend Kyla to get her tattoo.

Adam: Oh cool did you get one to.

Laya: Yea I did get one right here.

She pointed right under her breast and god just one day I will get to see it up close under that shirt.

Adam: Well did it hurt at all.

Laya: No, It did not hurt dont you see this big flower tattoo on my hand or nah.

Adam: Shit cool its nice...

Our first period teacher started to talk and then I tap her sholuder.

Laya: Yea, wassup.

Adam: So what are you doing for Christmas?

Laya: Well family are coming up I know that for sure and then i'm not doing anything after they settle in our house. But, why do you ask?

Adam: Oh because I was gonna throw this party during break and wanted to know if you wanted to come to it.

Laya: Oh yea..sure why not anything for a friend right.

I really wanted her to come cause I think it will be the right time to ask her out.

Adam: Okay then so see you next Thursday!

When the bell rang Me and Laya went down the hall and went our seperate ways.

Laya's POV

I wasn't sure what to say when he invited me to his party but I went to my next class and didn't see Tyler. So I went to go find her. So I did and she was in the restroom.

Laya: Hey...Tyler are you okay?

Tyler: Yea, but I got some news!

She seem sad but mostly excited to me.

Laya: What's wrong...what is it.

Tyler: Well I'm Pregnant! Oh and your the first friend to know.

Laya: OMG!! Congratulations...wait did you tell Luke yet..

Tyler: Of course! His happy too but I need to tell my parents today!

I was shook when she was having a babay cause what about school and we aren't even seniors yet we have one more year.So I gave Tyler a hug and went to class with her.

Coach Manny: Move those feet guys, yall look like a bunch of dumb ducks!

Coach wasn't that bad I mean my own father is worse, trust me I know.

Laya: Coach hey... The front office called for me can I go.

Coach Manny: Sure thing be back quick okay.

Laya: Sure thing!

I ran to the office and ask the lady in the front whats wrong, she pointed at two men, who happened to be my Uncle Leo and Uncle Toni.

Uncle Leo: Hey little devil you miss us!

I ran up too them and gave them a big hug.

Laya: I miss you guys hows everyone in New york I heard its snowing like crazy there.

Uncle Toni: Its fucking crazy there like for real. But there was a big problem that happened.

Laya: Oh damn what happened now.

Uncle Leo: Remember that guard that you use to play with as a kid well someone shot him now his dead. We think it was someone from the Rottela family.

The Rottela family I hate that name. The Rottels family are people we might have war with. Because Ethan Rottela the son of Nathan Rottela and Maria Rottela/ My ex-boyfriend. See he did hurtful things to me and I lost trust with him cause he lied to me and stoled things to plus he never told me he was a fucking Rottela. So I broke his jaw  alittle his probably still mad which I don't care, but his family are bad people there like the second cartel family.

Laya: Oh god... you know I hate that damn family.

Unlce Toni: We know!

My Uncle Leo  went to the front desk to ask to check me out.

Laya: Why are you checking me out of school its only been second period and about to be third.

Unlce Leo: I know but who care's anyways. So run back and change grab your stuff and meet us back here okay.

Laya: Fine!

I ran out and down the hallways to the gym and change got my stuff ran out, went down the hallway to the office and left to my house.

Laya: Yes, im home great time to chill.

Dad: What are you doing home early?

Laya: Uncle Leo and Unlce Toni took me out today, which is great cause your here we need to talk for real dad.

Dad: Yes, I know and heard about the Rottella's.

Laya: Well hold on im gonna change alright.

I went upstairs and took everything off, then I got a text from Adam saying "Where are you"? I couldnt answer so I just left it on read. Went downstairs with my sweats and t-shirt on. Sat in a seat by my family and talk all night about the Rottela family and planned something out.

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