Chapter 14

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* Later that day*

As I arrived at my dads house I knock on the door.Then I saw elder lady open the door I guess she is the maid.

Maid: Hello you must be the son of the house.

Adam: Ummm...yea I guess so.

Maid: Well come on in!

As I went inside the house she told me to sit my stuff down in a corner go in the living room and wait for my dad. When I went inside the living room I saw my dad coming in.

Dad: Hey glad you can make it!

Adam: Yea so what are we gonna do today.

Dad: Well come on ill show you something!

He took me outside to see the backyard and in front of me I see a ping pong table I was in shock cause i havent had one in a while so im happy inside but i look at my dad.

Dad: So you up for a challenge huh kid!

Adam: Listen old man I dont want to hurt you but to tell you im the best!

Dad: Old man huh!

We both started to laugh out loud. So we went to are sides and started a game off.

* 30 mintues later*

After our game we decide to go inside and relax on the couch.

Dad: Today was fun right Adam!

Adam: Yea today was fun. You know I know you cant go back in time to see me when I was a kid but I think its fine that you still reach out and all and sorry I went out like that at mom's house.

Dad: Oh its fine I too wish to see my son grow into a big man.

Adam: So what are we doing tomorrow.

Dad: Well so since im in town my friends call and I was thinking we do a welcome party and its formal by the way so Yes were a suit alright.

Adam: Yes I will and who is coming.

Dad: Well you will see when they get here!

Well after we were done talking we both went to are rooms. My room had alot of space I really like it. When I laid on my bed I got a text from Laya saying she wouldn't be able to hang out with me tomorrow cause her family have somewhere to be but I couldnt blame her cause I did to. So I text her saying same im going to be busy. Then I went to sleep after.

Laya's POV

*The next day*

I kind of felt like Adam was avoiding me at school and was really off. I knew he got jealous when he thought my cousin was just some guy I was talking too. I woke up this morning still thinking about Adam if he is okay but My mom comes in my room:

Mom: Laya remember we still have to go to your god-father party okay dont forget when to get ready!!

Laya: Alright okay I know I will be ready on time.

Then I hear a deep voices and it was my Dad and my brother.

Dad: Dont forget to pick up his present okay!

Laya: Alright!

AJ: Hey can you pick up something for me too.

Laya: Hell Noo! Go ask one of your side chicks to do it for you. Oh wait are you bring one of them. Is it Molly or Kassie or is it Nicole.

AJ: Shut the fuck up okay im going to be a lone soldier alright!

Laya: Damn that sad!

Everyone was in my room and being annoying and loud.

Laya: Oh my god can everyone please get the hell out my room ughh!

AJ: Welp you heard let's go before you get the hiss of your life.

Laya: Thanks you ass now goodbye.

After that I grab my phone to see if I got any text from Adam but I didn't get anything from him.So I went to go wash up and put on some clothes. I got a text then I look it was from my Dad he said he put about $5,000 dollars on my card for me to buy a dress and heels tonight. My older brother called me right after I got a text from my Dad.

Laya: Hello! yes, what's up. what do you need and why are you calling me if we are in the same house!

AJ: I didn't feel like getting out of my bed to go to your room so I just called you. By the way did you get that text from Dad.

Laya: Oh I did that's alot of money for me just to buy a dress and some heels like damn!

AJ: Shit! I dont know about you but the rest off the money after I buy my suit of course I will buy me a new car!

Laya: Oh really and do you think Mom and Dad will like that.

AJ: Im old enough to do what I want okay and I know they wont like but at least I need to show them that I'll act mature now.

To be honest I was really shook on what my brother just said and I was happy now that he can see what he has been doing in like and be a mature adult. But I don't want him to change alo't cause I love him the way he is but something's have to change but not everything.

Laya: Well okay then well you do that but, for me I haven't really thought what to do with it. Like I probably need more time to think after tonight. So have you decide on who you are bringing tonight.

AJ: No not really I know I cant bring any of those girls around cause you and I both know how Mom is when she see one of them.

Laya: I know who you should bring? Are next door neighbors daughter..umm..Krystin..yea her.

AJ: The one with the glasses I don't know really she too shy plus I don't do glasses girls.

Laya: Well you should and the only reason that she is shy because really like you and you don't see from your stupid ass eye's.

AJ: Okay fine Im getting up now!

Laya: I will be watching you outside my window okay!

AJ: Wow! Stalker much fine then bye now!

I  saw my brother walk over to the house it seem like she was sitting outside her house reading a book. When my brother went over there to her they  started talking and I guess my brother ask her cause I saw her nod her head yes and went inside her house . I saw my brother look at my window I gave him a thumbs up and he smiled.

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