Chapter 6: Unable to Stay, Unwilling to Leave

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“Sorry to make you walk,” you apologized as the two of you headed out the door. “Ordinarily I’d be able to get you there a lot more quickly in my car, or automobile, as you might call it.”

“I know what cars are. It's no problem. It can't be helped.”

“Yeah, that's true. Only way it would be here right now would be if you, um, weren't… Okay, that got dark quickly, maybe let's talk about something else. So how do you like Earth?”

“I try not to think about it. Nothing good has ever happened here in my experience. My Diamond, the war, all of my failures, I was made here even, along with all the other Beta Kindergarten defectives.”

“Nothing good, eh? Way to make me feel appreciated,” you said, sarcastic but smiling. “And why would you ever think you're defective? Every gem I've ever known to speak of you has remarked upon your physical affection, err, perfection. Even the Crystal Gems. And I'm inclined to agree.”

“It isn't about that. Just look at where I was made. And if I'm so perfect, how come I'm never enough, no matter how hard I try?”

“You know, there was a very famous rapper - rap is a kind of music, by the way, I'm not much of a fan of the genre myself, but that's beside the point - who was also a poet, and one poem he wrote was called 'The Rose that Grew from Concrete’ or something along those lines. I don't remember exactly how it went, but it basically talks about a rose growing from concrete against all odds, and about how much more beautiful it is for all it had to overcome. Do you understand the point I'm making?”

“I… maybe? I'm not good at your culture's concept of metaphor.”

“The point is, you aren't defective. You're an immense success who came from a place that otherwise only produced abject failures. That doesn't reflect negatively on you, it just makes you even more impressive. You're basically a miracle.”

Jasper was silent in response, and you couldn't see her face to read her expression. You decided to again change the subject.

“So… have you changed your thoughts on humans at all?”

“Look (Y/N), I get that you're trying to be friendly. But we can't be friends, got it? I've fought against your kind. I've tried to ensure the destruction of your planet and your species. Around 5,750 solar years ago, I killed dozens of humans.”

“What, during the rebellion?”


“Jasper, come on. We're not doomed to be mortal enemies or something just because you did some not-so-nice things in a war thousands of years before I was born.”

“I had you by the throat threatening to kill you only an hour ago.”

“Well that was just a misunderstanding, wasn't it? I'm not holding a grudge.”

“I've done things to your friends and allies. I hurt and later tried to kill Ro- Steven. I split apart the fusion and tried to keep her that way. I broke the Amethyst’s spirit. And Lapis… well, you already know all about that story, don't you?”

“Ehh, yeah, that does sound pretty bad when you say it all at once… but at least you sound like you feel bad about it. And yeah, I knew all of that. But I forgive you.” The barn was in sight, but you stopped walking and placed a hand reassuringly on her upper arm.

“What is your problem? I was obviously wrong to give your intelligence credit. I don't deserve forgiveness. I thought you'd be smart enough to understand that.”

“I understand perfectly. If you deserved forgiveness, they'd all be a bunch of jerks for not giving it to you. I forgive you because I care, not because you deserve it.”

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