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Woman-An adult human female

Someone who has a specified job or position

a woman is a servant or personal attendant to man

I am not a dog in heat

I am not someone who will be broken by mans words or by the stereotypes they give us

Our bodies are put on display for the world to see as if we were no more than mannequins in a store





Through our picket signs and movements

our message has not become clear.

We're told that men and women are equals but this is not the case

There are so many sugar coated lies that my teeth are rotting

I am steel

I will not be held back by the ties society uses in an attempt to hold me down

Breaking through everything in my path with raw power that's equal if not superior to that of a man

Told to keep my eyes shut so that I cannot see the twisted reality we are put in

Because if I were to open them I might see the shackles around my ankles

Ive been told that I do not have the right to my own words

That I should not speak unless spoken to

Expected to open my legs before my mouth

Im not good with keeping quiet

I will not be quiet I will let my voice hail down like bullets in a war zone

Like a wolf howling at the moon with the pack in her throat

My teeth ripping, tearing through anything in my path

Spewing words at my own free will

Fighting my way up to the position that should have been given to me at birth

I am an alpha

If I go down

I will take man with me

I will go with a shout in my throat

And a string of curses on my tongue

My mouth

my body

my words

I do not belong to man

I do not belong to anyone.  

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