Deuce x ...

119 10 4

George's POV

I hear the bus door slam closed, followed by terrible wailing down the hall.

I slide open my bunk curtain, gracefully falling out and run to the back lounge, following the sound.

Danny, rocking back and forth, hides in a tiny ball in the floor's corner.

I sink to my knees, getting closer to him.

"Dan-Dans, you okay, kid," I ask, touching his shoulder lightly.

He jumps from me, his once hopeful eyes crushed and bruised as they meet mine.

Anger courses through my blood as I take his hands gently.
"Who did this to you?"

His black eyes fill with tears as he hides himself in my chest.

I sigh, wrapping my arms around him as he whimpers in pain.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper.

His body shakes in my arms, his sobbing softening as he struggles to breath from his snotty nose.

"It's okay," I promise. "You're gonna be okay."

After I got Danny calmed down and into his bunk for the night, I made the mistake of checking Twitter.

Of course he boasted about beating up our little Danny.

"He'll get what's coming to him," I growl, taking a sip of my beer.

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