Chapter 5: The Merge

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" Okay everyone. Settle down. I know you've all heard about the merge. Well it's going to happen today but I have a really sad news that I need to share. Only 120 students can enter that prestigious school and the 180 of you have to find another school. I am really sorry but that school can only fit 120 more students. Your teacher will name those that are chosen to go there immediately." Ms corine , the principal instructed us.

The entire hall immediately started panicking.

" What the heck? Its so last minute! My beloved Junkai is there ohmaigod WHY! " A girl in brunette complained and soon after, the entire hall started doing it too.

The headmaster quickly arrived and asked us to calm down and follow our teacher's instructions.

We all headed back to our classrooms. I could feel my heart thumping loudly. It was going wild, like it's going to jump out of my chest any moment.

It's like a mixture of anxiety and excitement.

After we all settled down, Ms Lee took a glance at our impatient and frantic faces and she couldn't help but snicker a little.

" If you're not chosen, don't get disheartened. I'll help you choose a school of your choice and maybe give you some extra tutoring. As a sign of a love to you guys," She finished it off with a wink, causing the class to erupt in laughter.

" JunQing, Xueli, XingYi, RenWei, ChengLi and Liqin," Ms Lee told us the chosen names.

" Sorry for those whose name's are not chosen. I can't help it. You girls have to choose another school as for the chosen ones, please proceed to the hall for further instructions." She said, her head down.

My heart sank. MingLe isn't chosen! WHY!? Even though I only knew her for a day, but for XingYi and Xueli, they knew her for a few months and they probably can't leave without her.

" Ahhh. I knew this will happen. I guess this is...goodbye? Its okay, I'll be fine. I already found a school anyways, you can leave me but please don't forget me. " Mingle said with a weak tone, her voice sound raspy. Like she was holding back her tears.

" Don't worry, we'll never forget you, you're our best buddy. You know." Xueli assured her and gave her a weak smile.

All I could do was watch them have a sad farewell whole I just stand there unsure of what to do.

Should I comfort her too? Im sad, but I barely even know her. I don't even think I have the rights to do so.

After a few seconds of consideration, I was about to say something but I was too late when Ms Lee pushed the three of us out of the classroom.

" I know its sad and all but if you don't proceed to the hall right away, you won't be able to follow the group to that school. " She said with an eyebrow raised.

All I could do was watch them have a sad farewell whole I just stand there unsure of what to do.

Should I comfort her too? Im sad, but I barely even know her. I don't even think I have the rights to do so.

The teachers instructed us and put us into groups based on the class we're going to go to.

As we walked towards the boy's school which is a street away from the girl's school.

After a short briefing, we were separated by classes but fortunately, I was still the same class as Xueli and XingYi.

" OHMAIGOSH WE ARE HELLA LUCKY. WE'RE IN THE SAME CLASS AS TFBOYS! " XingYi literally scream and we can hear muffled laughters coming from the classroom.

We knocked on the door before heading in and I was sure that I was walking like a robot just for the fact that I'm quite tall and I'm an extremely stiff person.

We all introduced ourselves and I was in awe with their greetings. It was practically flawless.

I gulped.

" Hello everyone, my name is Liqin. Please take care of me. " I stepped forward and bowed down, making my head hit the table.

" OWWWWW!! PLASTER PLASTER!!! IM BLEEDINGG!!! " I screamed to XueLi but she just looked at me weirdly and whispered, "Uh...there's no blood." And I covered my reddened face while I hid myself from embarrassment as everyone laughed.

" Alright, Liqin please sit in front of wangyuan. Xueli please sit beside ChengHao and XingYi please sit behind Qian Xi ." The new teacher instructed with a stern, yet steady tone.

(le time skip brought to you by junkai munching on cookies)

4:15PM (end of school)

" HAHAHAHAAHAHA!! Today, I had transferred students in my class and one girl really caught my eyes. She was so funny, silly and she's cute too! Like really cute! "

I stared at what he wrote in shock, I couldn't believe it-. No. I didn't wanted to belive it.

"hahaha...really? Do you like her then?"

"She's cute and all but I already have someone in mine^^"

My heart sank.

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