Chapter 16

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Daniel's POV

We've been at the hospital with Brielle for an hour and some people was starting to leave, The doctor said she'll be able to go home tomorrow but she needs to take things slow and needs to be on bed rest.

Soon everybody was gone and it was just me,Danny and Brielle. I could tell something was bothering her. When I left her in here by herself and Danny started crying she cried herself. I know she probably feels some type of way because she wasn't there when Danny was born but it's not her fault so she shouldn't feel guilty

"Babe you okay?" I asked her sitting Danny in his stroller as he dosed off

"Yeah" She said lowly

"You sure? You know you can tell me anything" I said rubbing her hand, I knew she was lying I just wanted to know what was going through her head

"He hates me Daniel" She said tears starting to form in her eyes

"No he doesn't. Your his mother,he loves you. He just has to get use to you that's all, Babe don't worry yourself" I said giving her a kiss on her forehead

She sighed loudly then said "I won't, I just want him to love me like he already loves you,I just feel bad I wasn't there for him when he was born or the first to hold him"

"Don't do that" I said  rubbing her hand "It's not your fault okay,look we're gonna head home it's getting kind of late and I know Danny is tired" I said giving her a kiss

"Okay,but let me give him a kiss first" Brielle said reaching her arms out as I took Danny out the stroller and handed him to her

"Bye baby,mommy loves you" She said kissing him all over softly so she would'nt wake him up

"Alright,I love you" I said then we left.

Brielle's POV

After Daniel and the baby left I could'nt wait until I could go home with them and spend every minute of everyday with them. I was gonna show my baby that his mama loves him and from now on Daniel won't have to do anything but focus on his music

Daniel's POV

When me and Danny got home we both ate and went straight to sleep, I couldn't help but think about Brielle I've missed her so much she always popped in my dreams just like the one tonight that woke me up in the middle of the night and had me shaking and sweating but I was also cold,

There was something about this dream though,It wasn't like the others at all. This time she died, not in the hospital but in a car accident while she was pregnant with Danny.That really made me beyond paranoid.

I got up and went to Danny's room to see him still sleeping in his crib peacefully then went back in my room trying to go back to sleep.


Next Day

My mom decided to go back home for a while since Brielle was out the hospital and I didn't need any help with Danny anymore.

I grabbed Danny's Diaper bag and filled it with just enough pampers and clothes even though we were just going to pick Brielle up from the hospital and probably come straight home for her to rest I still wanted to be prepared 

I took Danny out his play pin and got him dressed in some Cargo shorts and a black V-neck 

"Pimpin' just like ya daddy" I said to him but he just smiled

I put on his shoes and started out to the car, Once he was buckled in I put the diaper bag in the back seat and started up the car heading to the hospital

Brielle's POV

"Mrs.Cole, We need you to sign here and here" The nurse said handing my discharge forms

"Once your husband gets here he can sign here and you'll be set to go" She said walking out the room


I thought as I put my shoes on, I kind of liked the fact she thought Daniel was my husband..It kind of made me think when are me and Daniel gonna get married

We were already living in sin by one living with each other and two having a child out of wedlock

Just as I was tying up my shoes Daniel and Danny walk in

"Hey wittle baby" I say taking Danny out of Daniels hands and kissing all over him as he laughs 

"I can't get a hi or a kiss?Dang" Daniel says faking hurt by hold his chest

I got up and went over to him and pecked his lips then simply saying hi

"Mr.Simmons here's the discharge papers you need to sign" Another nurse came in handing Daniel the clipboard

Once he signed it I grabbed my stuff and we left out heading home.

"So where do you wanna go?" Daniel asked looking at me then focusing back on the road

"Home,I'm just really tired" I say stretching my arms 


Once we got in the house I went straight to the room while Daniel put Danny in bed for a nap then came back with a Arizona tea

"Why didn't you get me one?' I asked pulling the covers over me

"You can have some of mine" He smirked

"No thank you" I laughed 

"Daniel..can I ask you something" I said as he came over to the bed giving me his undevided attention

"Sure" He said then began drinking down his tea

"How do you feel about marriage?' I asked looking him in his eyes

"What...whaaa?" he said choking on his tea

"How do you feel about marriage Daniel!" I said shouting a little

"I don't know...I guess it'll happen when the time is right" he replied

"Oh" I replied nonchalantly

Daniel's POV\

I don't know where Brielle was going with this conversation but it was starting to make me nervous

I mean I wanted to get married to her but I don't think I wanna do it too soon. So I quickly changed the subject

"I missed you" I said into her ear lightly sucking it

"I missed you too' She said back as I pulled the cover from over her

'No ,Daniel w-we can't" She said as I started sucking on her neck

"Baby I'll be gentle" I said and started taking both our clothes off,soon beginning to make sweet,passionate ,love

Damn I've missed this 

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