chapter 7

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Brielle's POV

"You have a text message" I said walking away by the door, I stood there as Diggy read it to see his reaction

"You read this" He asked looking up at me

"Yes" I said with tears in my eyes "Baby.." he started but I ran out the room and into the bathroom and quickly locked the door.

I didn't know why I was so hurt but I was. To know that Diggy just might be the father of that girls baby just killed me inside

"Brielle please don't be mad at me,can we talk about this?" I heard Diggy say from the other side of the door.

"Just leave me alone" I said with a shaky voice because I was crying

"Please just come talk to me" Diggy said trying to open the door

"No" I replied and he sighed loudly.

About 10 minutes of me being in the bathroom I thought Diggy would be gone so I opened the door only to see him standing there.

"Brielle-" he started but I quickly cut him off

"Who is Corae?" I said folding my arms across my chest

"Can we sit down and talk about this?" Diggy asked,at first I was hesitant but decided to walk back to the room and sit down.

"Well......... who is she?!" I said with an attitude

"She's my ex." He said looking down at the floor.

"How long have you two been broken up?" I asked

"Four days..." he mumbled I couldn't even say anything me and Daniel only been dating for 3 days and he decides to break-up with this pregnant chick a day before?!

"Brielle ...Im sorry "

"Does she live here? ... in California? " I said with smh eyebrow raised

"Yes" he said looking down again

"When was the last time you've seen her?" I said

"The day we broke up. That was the last time"

"I-" I started but Diggy cut me off by kneeling in front of me and holding my hands

"Brielle before we go any further with this conversation I just want to let you know there is a slight chance this baby could be mine...... but if you love me you would stay with me and help me with this situation. I'm not saying you have to help me take care of this child but I want to know if your gonna be with me and love me no matter what happens" Diggy said with tears in his eyes

Looking at him with all the sincerity in his eyes made me wanna cry too ,I could tell he meant what he said and I do love him and it is gonna hurt me if this baby is his but I'll just have to get over it,over the fact that I wont me the first woman to have his child.

Soon Diggy snapped me out of my thoughts by kissing me and I didn't hesitate to kiss back, after about a minute of making out we both became breathless and pulled away. Daniel looking at me,me looking at him. Its like that one kiss made everything better,it was like the bandage for the little scar in our relationship.

"Do you forgive me?" Daniel said with one brow raised

"Yes babe" I said half smiling and him smiling back at me


Jackie's POV

I was already at the airport in California and I've been sitting here for the last 45 minutes waiting for Brielle and Diggy to pick me up "These fools better have a good explanation for being late" I said to my self "OH MY GOD JACKIEEEEEEEEE" I heard a loud ratchet voice from behind me, I turned to see Brielle and Diggy coming towards me "Hey Bre!!!!!!!!!" I yelled back hugging her tight

"Uh um"Diggy cleared his throat I looked up and pulled away from Brielle

"Hello Daniel" I said hold my arms out to hug him,we hugged then started to walk to the baggage claim area to get my luggage

Once we got my bags we got in the car and headed to Diggy's and Brielle's home

"So how have you two love birds been?" I asked trying to break the silence

"Great" they said at the same time and Diggy intertwined their fingers

"Oh that's good... so no problems? " I said moving closer to the front seat, being the nosey sister I am

"Nope." Brielle said a little too fast. I knew she was lying but I didn't say anything.

After about 30 minutes we arrived to the house, The outside was big and beautiful, we got out the car and Diggy grabbed my bags and we headed inside the house

********* Brielle's POV

"AHHH NO REMEMBER WHEN YOU GUYS FIRST MET?! AND DANIEL STARTED CRYING WHEN IT.WAS TIME TO GO HOME?!" Jackie yelled as Her, Diggy and I sat in the living room talking about old times

"Oh My God yes! My mom thought it was so funny when we got in the car she called and told everyone a boy cried over me!" I said rolling on the floor laughing

"Its not funny. I was just a kid" Diggy said getting mad because we were laughing at him

"I'm sorry baby!" I said still laughing and he got up and went upstairs

"We'll isn't he grouchy" Jackie said but I just ignored it. I was just happy my sister was here with me

"So uh... in the car I asked you was everything okay with you and Daniel and you lied to me " Jackie said. She's so damn nosey!!

"Yeah I know... truth is its is going great now but Daniel got a girl pregnant ...well we don't know if its his but theirs a huge possibility it is" I said under a whisper

"So how do you feel about that?" Jackie asked

Here she go being Dr.Phil I thought to myself "I'm fine with it, if he is the father I know he's gonna own up to his responsibility and I love him and I'm gonna be there for him Bo matter what." I said

"Well as long as your happy I'm happy" Jackie said giving me a hug

"Well I'm getting tired so um... good night and there's extra blankets in the closet down the hall next to your room if you need any " I said to Jackie as I walked upstairs to the room with Diggy

"Yeah... what time is the appointment? ... alright. Ill be there " I heard Daniel say as I was walking in the room, I guess he was on the phone with Corae

"You okay baby?... ya know about what happen downstairs? " I asked diggy

"Yeah. I'm not really mad" he said

"Mhm" I replied giving him the "yeah whatever" look and he laughed

"Well I'm gonna get in the shower" I said getting my clothes out the drawer

"Can I join you?" Diggy asked licking his lips

I walked towards the bathroom door and then looked back at him and replied seductively "sure"

We're Just Friends:A Diggy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now