Chapter 17

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Brielle's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to hear the sound of Danny screaming I turned over to see Daniel just laying there sleeping like he did'nt hear him I looked at him to see if he would move but he didn't I slapped his chest then got up as I heard him growl rubbing his chest

I walked in Danny's room and picked him up out of his crib,he was crying so hard his face was soaking wet. I grabbed a wash cloth and went into the bathroom and wet it then wiped his face he was still crying while I was rocking him but he wasn't as loud as before 

I walked around the house rocking him back and fourth as I went into the kitchen to get him a bottle. I warmed him up a bottle then tested it on my arm to make sure it wasnt too hot.

I watched as he grabbed the bottle and began holding it drinking it by himself. My baby was growing up so fast ,I said after kissing his forehead. I continued to walk around the house looking at the portraits on the wall that weren't there before. There were mostly pictures of Danny when he was really small.

He looked so precious ,there was one picture that I saw that made me wanna cry,it was of him at the hospital in Daniel's arms looking like he was about to cry. His lip was poked out all cute

Once I was done looking at all the pictures I looked down to see Danny went back to sleep and the now empty bottle was hanging out of his mouth as he snored lightly

I took him back upstairs and placed him into his crib then went back to bed


I woke up to see that Daniel wasn't laying next to me and that it was 11 am, I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth

Once I was done I fixed my hair into a messy bun then went downstairs

Once I reached the end of the stairs I could hear Daniel saying stuff to Danny like he really understood

"You gotta stop all that crying man that stuff for girls" He said picking Danny up out of his high chair and taking off his dirty bib

"Don't talk to my baby like that,he can cry all he wants" I said taking Danny out of his hands

"One,Its OUR baby and two,no he can't my son is not gonna be a punk. If he keep up with all that crying shit I will pop him" Daniel said back cleaning off the counter

"Daddy's not gonna whoop you baby,mama got your back" I cooed in Danny's ear kissing all over

'Yeah okay" Daniel said 'So what you wanna do today?" he asked

"um...We should take Danny to the park" I said funny faces at Danny as he giggled

"Alright,well give him here and you can go get dressed while I get him changed" Daniel said and handed him Danny then went upstairs to get ready

I put on a short sleeve plaid shirt and some Capri's that folded at the bottom and some red and black toms to match my red black and white plaid shirt

I grabbed my purse and ray bans then went back downstairs to see Daniel struggling with Danny on one arm and his diaper bag and stroller in the other, I laughed a little watching him as I walked over to him and took the stroller and the diaper bag out of his hands

"You know you could of just asked me to help" I said laughing as we walked out the door

"Yeah,I kind of forgot" He smiled a little

I didn't get mad cause I knew he didn't mean it like that,I know he had to do everything his self while I was at the hospital

We got to the car and I put the stroller in the trunk as Daniel buckled Danny into his car seat,Once he was buckled in we both got in and buckled out seat belts then he pulled off to the park

Once we got there Daniel got Danny's stroller and I grabbed his diaper bag then grabbed him as Daniel unfolded his stroller and I sat him in then we walked through the park looking at all the birds and trees and I watched as Danny start talking gibber jabber at the birds it was too cute.

'Babe,you don't know how much I've missed you,Like really I couldn't even sleep the same when you were gone" Daniel turned around and said

I pecked him on the lips and he smiled "I guess that's why you did  what you did last night" I said smirking

"Ya know I can do it again if you want" He said kissing my neck

"Daniel not here!' I yelled a little 

We walked over to the swings and I put Danny in one and watched him scream and laugh it was so funny ,while I was pushing him Daniel's phone went off and he walked over toward the bench answered

I could'nt hear what he was saying but  I could tell the conversation was intense 

'alright then bye" He said into the phone while walking back towards me and Danny

After about an hour at the park I could see that Danny was starting to get tired while he was playing in the sand. I picked him up standing him up on his legs to see if he was gonna walk but he just plopped right back down

I kept trying to stand him up but he kept sitting down so I went over his diaper bag and grabbed a snack then stood him back up then held the snack out for him to reach for it and every time he did I stepped back at first he was wobbling a little then he stepped up to the snack

I was in complete shcok after that "Daniel look!" I yelled as he took another step

I couldn't be my baby took his first steps already

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