Chapter 24

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Brielle's POV

I sat in the living room playing with Danny waiting for Daniel to come back with the gifts. He didn't seem upset about me coming early to be honest he seemed cool with the whole thing,I heard my truck door slam and soon Daniel walked in

''Hey,what are you doing here?'' Daniel asked once he sat everything on the table,I put Danny down in his playpen then sat back on the couch next to Daniel

"We need to talk" I replied,he shook his head as i agreement 

I was honestly so nervous I could throw up but I didn't. I just wanted to us to get over this whole argument and be a family again.I was tired of us not talking or always fighting and I didn't want my son growing up in a dysfunctional ass family

"So let's start with what happened that night..."I said taking a deep breath "I really didn't cheat on you,honestly I would never do that to you or Danny and I think you blew the whole thing out of proportion. I guess you were caught up in your feelings but when I tell you I didn't cheat it's the truth" I informed him

All of this was just too much for me to bare these last few weeks,not being able to cuddle up at night with the one I love and having to come get my own son at certai times like it was Daniel who had full custody and I was the dead  beat parent

"I know Bri,I'm sorry for accusing you I wrong for that and to have taken Danny away from you, Inside I knew you didn't cheat on me but I didn't have an excuse to be mad at you so I made one and I feel horrible for that" He said pulling me into a hug "I'm so sorry" he said sincerely

Daniel's POV

I know I should tell Brielle about the whole Corae thing but I was sure how she would react right now and I did'nt want her to leave

"I'm sorry" I said again this time kissing her forehead

She pulled the hug and looked at me wiping the little tears she had and sighed

"You look beautiful"I blurted out,in all honesty she did her new hair color made her look sexier and more grown which I liked she seemed more mature

she smiled and said "Thank you,you like the hair color?" She asked, I shook me head and ran my fingers threw her hair

"Oh I thought this was weave" I joked she punched me and my arm and begin laughing

I pulled her into my side and began messing up her hair and she was squealing like a little girl

"Stop you're messing my hair" she half yelled,I heard Danny in the play pin giggling and I looked over at him letting Brielle up

She walked over to him and brung him onto the couch with us

"hey lil man"she cooed in his ear kissing om him as he tried to squirm out of her grip

The whole time we were playing and tickling Danny and talking like old times. it felt good for everything to be like this again


After a while people start showing up and there were kids running around our house like they'd lost their minds

"Miley stop running"My mom told her when she was about to run into the backyard

I went outside on the patio to see Brielle talking to everyone and setting all the gifts on the table as more came

"Dada" I heard someone babble and pull on my pants leg, I looked down to see Danny pulling his self up and stretching his arms out for me to pick him up

I did and walked over to where Brielle,Shaii,jackie her mom and my dad and brothers were sitting and sat down in one of the chairs and watched as everyone talked and laughed,it seemed like everyone was enjoying themselves too

Brielle walked over to me and grabbed Danny and sat down on my lap,I smiled to myself and pulled her back closer to my chest and wrapping my arms around her waist

"Look at the happy family!" My sister gushed taking out her phone to take a picture

We both laughed and smiled for the camera.I was really loving today,the only problem is I didn't ask Brielle where we stood now and that's the main question I wanna get the answer to

Brielle's POV

"Brielle sweety could you help me bring out the cake?" Mama Justine asked

I got up and gave Danny back to Daniel and pecked his lips,I've wanted to feel his lips for the longest and I really didn't want to pull away but there were children here and knowing Daniel he probably wouldn't care

I knew he was suprised by the kiss at first but when I pulled away he seemed very excited


Happy birthday to you,happy birthday dear Danny happy birthday to youuuuu! Everyone sung as Danny clapped in excitement, he was really happy that he had so much attention all day

He wouldn't stop laughing or smiling especially when he played with other kids that were his size he was happy,he was a rough hosier but the other kids took it

I watched as Danny attempted to blow out the candles as Daniel taught him but all he was doing was spitting so Daniel blew out the candles and everyone clapped again

"I don't want none that cake" Miley said looking at in digust

I laughed at her facial expression "and why is that missy?" I asked

"Cause Dany spit all over it,he probably got baby milk in his mouth still" she said with such a serious face I couldn't help but laugh out loud

"I'm not gonna give you a piece from the part he spat on" I said handing her a corner piece

Once everybody got there cake I went over to Danny in his high chair and watched as he smashed the cake everywhere and stuffed it in his mouth

It was too cute,he had cake all over him

I took a couple of pictures then went to go clean him up

It was going on 7:30 and a lot of people kids were tired so soon everyone was leaving

I took off Danny's shirt and pants leaving him in his pull up and running his some bath water,he was dirty and stinky

After I washed him up I put him on some pajamas and gave him a bottle,soon after  he fell asleep and I put him in his bed

When I went back downstairs everyone was gone and Daniel was cleaning up everything from outside

"You enjoy yourself?" He asked

"yeah" I said simply

"Brielle I wanted to ask you something" He said walking over to me "can we go inside?" he asked opening the patio door I nodded and followed right behind him

"so wassup?" I asked

 "Do you think we can work this out now? Like being in the same house and  back together?" He asked with hope in his voice

"Of course Daniel,why else would I have came over here before the party to try and work things out" I laughed

He let out a sigh of relief and smiled "I missed you" He said 

"I missed you too" I replied

"no,I really really missed you" He said in a low seductive tone

He was not slick,if he thinks he's getting anything tonight he must be out of his mine

"not tonight" I got out while he was kissing my neck and rubbing all over my body

"pleaseeeee" he begged

"no" I said pulling away from me and hopping off the stool "we can cuddle though" I smirked and made my way up the stairs,I knew that made him mad cause he was mumbling shit under his breathe but this boy is crazy if he think I'm about to have sex with him this soon even though I do miss his body I can wait

he gone have to work for this

We're Just Friends:A Diggy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now