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Hand in Hand

They walked hand and hand.

It was nothing new. They did it all the time. Yet he was still nervous. What if right now was the last time they ever held hands. The last night they talked. The last night they were best friends. NO. He couldn't think like that. Optimism.

"Iris you're my best friend, an..."

"Aww you're mine too."

"No that's not what I meant. I meant that I..."

Before he could finish a man in a hoodie ran through and grabbed Iris' laptop.

"My laptop!"

"I've got it." Barry yelled.

When he was out of view he used his speed to catch up to the thief, and knocked him out. Iris ran up a few seconds later.

"Oh my gosh. Barry are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Can't say the same for our guy right here."

She smiled, "Well I guess you were my hero today. So what were you trying to tell me earlier?"

"Oh right, I was going to tell you that you're my best friend and that I.."


"Hold on. Yeah Joe. You need me at the station? Now? Ok bye."

"Its ok you can go."

"I'll call you."


They hugged, and Barry left.

Maybe the universe was telling him something. That it wasn't time yet, but he couldn't wait. He waited his whole life, and he won't lose his chance now. He knew what the future held, and he didn't want to watch the love of his life fall in love with someone else. He couldn't.

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