Chapter Three: SHIELD Compromised

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Authors Note:

   Hello! I hope you're enjoying the story so far! Please let me know in the comments!

 Anyways... Enjoy!


      I look through the glass as I watch doctors operate on Fury. I don't even turn when Nat enters the room. "Is he gonna make it?" She asks. "I don't know." Steve responds. 

     Nat stands closer to me. I wasn't sure if it was to comfort me, or to comfort her. "Tell me about the shooter." Tell me about the shooter. I still stare at Fury, not answering Nat. Steve apparently noticed I wasn't going to answer so he speaks up. "He's fast and strong. Had a metal arm."

     Nat subtly looks towards me. I looked over at her and slightly frowned. I looked at my feet as Maria walked in. "Ballistics?" Nat asks. Maria answers. "Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable." I look back up to Nick. "Soviet-made." Natasha looks at me again. "Yeah." Maria responds. 


     Just after Maria says that, something happens in the operation room. Fury's state starts to deteriorate. "He's in V-tach." Maria says. I hear one of the nurses say "Crash cart coming in." The doctor says, "Nurse, Help me with the drape." "BP is dropping!" I put my hand to my mouth. "Defibrillator!" Nick is flatlining, and there's nothing I can do about it. "Come on Nick." I whisper. I also hear Nat whisper, "Don't do this to me, Nick." I step a bit closer to her as we watch. "Stand back! Three, two, one, clear!" 

        "No pulse." No pulse. He's gone. "Okay. 200, please. Stand back! Three, two, one. Clear!" Fury is given another shock. "Give me epinephrine! Pulse?" "Negative." I shook my head. "No, please no." We watch them try to revive him, but we know he's gone. Steve turned away from the window. "What's the time?" "1:03, doctor." 

      "Time of death, 1:03 a.m." I see Steve look down at the same flash drive Nat and I grabbed for Fury. What the hell is he doing with that? 


     We are standing in the room where they have Fury's body. Nat and I are standing next to him as Steve waits by the door. I grab Nat's hand to help me not cry. She lightly squeezes my hand. I hear someone walk in, but I chose to ignore it.

    Steve starts to walk up to us, "Natasha, Kol." We don't respond. Knowing they need to take him. Natasha touches Fury's head and turns away to quickly walk out dragging me with her. "Hey!" Steve says following us. 

     Natasha quickly turns around as we got to the hallway. "Why was Fury in your apartment?" I looked at Steve with the same question in my head. He glances at me. "I don't know." He lies. I rolled my eyes.

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