chapter two. » daniel spade.

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[credit to onederstruck- for the amazing gif banner ]

blue skies | ella fitzgerald.

blue skies smilin' at me,
nothin' but blue do i see,
bluebirds singin' a song,
nothin' but bluebirds all day long.

IT WAS AS CALM AS COULD BE. The calmness consumed the pure community. It lingered in the air, hearts, and spirits. Not the smallest speck of hate contaminated the environment, unlike the impure environment a few yards away. Smiles were tossed around along with the usual "good evening." The faint sounds of chaos came from across the wall but no one seemed to pay any attention to it.

Bundles of impures scattered around the wall watching the pures flaunt their pearly white teeth around like a first place trophy for happiness. Jealously kicked into their systems as they stared with lifeless eyed at the life they longed for. A life without true love or lust. People they had known before, now were floating around with an all white spirit. Although, believed to be a threat to the utopian vision, impures were a key part of society.

Daniel Spade, gawked at the sights beyond the fences. Men, women, and children were beaten severely by the guards who were supposedly here to keep the city safe. Daniel cringed at the sight of blood pouring from pale and cold bodies. He bit his nail carelessly before turning his back on the sight of despair. Before he turned his back, a small figure stared at him with longing eyes begging for help, but he went on about his day. This was just another day for him, it was nothing special. He let out a small sigh of relief once he lied eyes open to the one person he cared for the most, other than his kick ass mother.

"Dallas, where you been?" Daniel questioned letting a light chuckle escape from his tightened throat. "You just about disappeared out of the community." Dallas shrugged scratching the back of his freshly cleaned hair.

"My sister just been getting sick lately and you know my mom wants me to watch after her when she goes to work. The little girl isn't even sick, she's just too lazy to get up and do her schoolwork." Dallas groaned as he thought about her frivolous demands that she threw his way everyday when their mother was out doing better things including saving lives.

"She's always been a little evil. Man, I thought you were used to that shit!" Daniel yelled to the skies beaming. Daniel loved to fuck with Dallas just to see him get a little mad but nothing over the top.

"Shut ya' mouth!" Dallas complained shoving Daniel back. Earning a laugh from him, Daniel threw his hands up in surrender beginning to walk around the houses.

The birds sung their lullabies as the sun began to dink deeper into the sky like an anchor sinks under the sea―slowly but surely. They talked, laughed, and walked for hours upon hours reminiscing on when they were younger. Before they knew it, all families were in their homes and the city lights were beginning to shut off.

As they wrapped up their conversations, Daniel noticed a girl laughing with two close friends on the other side of the fence. Her smile was rich and filled with genuine happiness. Every time she threw her head back to laugh, her messy curls flew back and bounced carelessly hitting the back of her neck. her hands rose to her mouth to hide the smile that she believed to be ugly, but to everyone else, it was something beautiful.

She began to skip down the street humming a tune that could be heard by a deaf man. Her voice was soothing and soft. Her voice was pure silk as she sang to the wind. For a moment, time paused and a bright spotlight beamed down on her radiant skin. She was glowing. Her song poured into his mind playing on repeat for what seemed like hours but was only in a matter of seconds.

blue skies smilin' at me,
nothin' but blue do i see,
bluebirds singin' a song,
nothin' but bluebirds all day long.

Her song engulfed his soul luring him to the fence, almost like a siren. The ease in her voice as she sung captured him. Just for a small moment in time, he thought he could feel love maybe a little lust but the feeling left quicker than it came. He quickly realized that the girl he payed so much attention to was now lost in the wind as if she never existed anymore. He felt sick to his stomach. He had just experienced the worst feeling―lust. He shook it off before glancing at Dallas who was no longer by his side. He was already walking home to care for his annoying sister.

Before long, Daniel started to find himself thinking about the girl with no name. The impure girl who was exactly where she belonged. He tried to shake her out of his mind but she stuck like glue. he cursed himself for letting him think of an impure in such a way. Or just thinking about anyone in such a way could get him killed. He wasn't afraid of a premature execution but he was afraid of feeling lust for anyone. The consequences extended far beyond death―and he was nowhere near ready for it.

Daniel found his way home just before the city lights shut off. He slipped through the door, tip-toeing to his bedroom making sure not to wake up his confined family. Not bothering to step out of his clothes, he set his shoes by the door frame before sneaking in to bed. Taking his sweet time, he eventually dozed off into a deep sleep, unintentionally dreaming about the impure girl and her blue sky song.

blue skies smilin' at me,
nothin' but blue do i see,
bluebirds singin' a song,
nothin' but bluebirds all day long.

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