Chapter 12

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"Morning Nash." Erin smiled as i walked into the kitchen to get a glass of milk. Matts arms were wrapped around her as she balanced on the crutches. She was cutting up a banana and putting it into a bowl of Frosted Flakes for Hayes for when he wakes up. "Mom already headed to work and said we we're in charge of getting our selves to school on time." She looked up and smiled at me again and them hobbled over to put away the box of cereal and Matt helped her back upstairs so she could probably get ready for school.


(Get it, like flashback, but with nash? No? I thought it was funny...)

"Come on Nash!" The small brunette giggled as she pulled me into down the side walk.

"Calm down!" i chuckled as i stumbled behind her. She was so excited and i could even fathom why.

I watched as her eyes widened as we stepped into the front door. It was almost funny watching the reaction on her face change from excitement to horror in a matter of seconds. She slowly wrapped her small arms around my larger left arm.

"Its okay." i reassured her as we walked down the crowded hallway.

"Nash!" a voice called from behind in the mix of the crowds of people.

"Matt!" i said as i turned around and Erin barley let go then re-grabbed me by my wrist.

I watched as Matt looked her slowly up and down.

"Hey Erin, its been a while." He tried to laugh but Erin simply nodded her head. Her eyes widened as the rest of my group of friends came running towards us and she slowly took a step behind me.

"Nassshhhh!" they all yelled as they all created a semi circle around the 3 of us.

"Im going to go find Christin." she whispered to me as the group got more hyper and excited.

"Be safe okay?" I called to her but i don't think she heard me she was so far down in the crowd of screaming girls who "missed their friends"

"Who was that chick." cameron laughed as she walked off.

"My sister." i said giving him a warning glare. He stopped laughing and went straight faced.


I looked over to Matt who was still staring at her as she went out of sight.

"Matt come here." i gestured and stepped toward the wall of lockers.

"Watcha need Nash?"

"Stay away from my sister. i dont need you 'playing around' with her, got it?" i nearly growled. Matt was a good kid, and i trusted him and stuff, but when it came to girls Matt got out of hand. And i didnt want him to do anything ever to hurt Erin.

....(Out of flash back).....

"Nash? Nash!" Erin waved her hand in front of my face.

"Wh-what?" i shook my head.

"Hellooo, earth to Nash. time to go!" She said as Christin came running down the stairs wearing Erins clothes with my back pack in her hand.

"Matt friend Shawn's driving us, i'll meet you at school okay?." She assured Hayes being the overly protective sister she is.

Wait, Shawns driving them? What the hell?

"See you at school." Matt said waving to us as he carried Erin on his back out the door with her crutches in his hand.



It was so awkward walking down the hall on crutches with the small brace on my thigh covering the stabbed area and thousands of pairs of eyes watched as Matt walked beside me.

"Hop on." he whispered in my ear when he noticed everyone starring. He took my crutches in his hands and i slowly hopped up onto his back, but shockingly that only drew more attention to us.

"Can we just go home?" i pouted as i rested my head on his shoulder.

"Just make it threw lunch, and if you cant make it, i'll take you home." he smiled up at me as we walked into my 1st period.

"Matt maan." One of his friends from the football team said as he sat me in my chair and set my crutches to the side.

"Sup Grant!" they did a little hand shake thing.

"Thought you had OSS man?" Grant said as he sat on top of a desk.

"Yeaah, i finished that dude." He answered as he picked me up and sat me on his lap sitting in my seat.

"Niicee. i heard you ruineddd Dallas, new yes!" he high-fived Matt

"More than you know Grant." he rested his head on my shoulder as him and Grant went further into conversation.

"Aight, i'll see you later man." Matt got up and set me back onto the empty seat. They did their little hand shake again and Matt left so he'd have enough time to make it to his class before the bell rang.

"So, you and Espinosa?" Grant winked at me as the teacher walked into the room. "Wait!" he raised his voice and laughed. "You're Grier's sister!"

I'll never understand why guys called each other by their last names all the time.

"Yeah, i am." i nodded. He let out a gasp like sound and i raised my eye brow in confusion.

"So your the....oooooooohhh!" he said and kicked his feet all excited like.

"Up here!" he said again raising his hand for a high-five.

"What?" i laughed.

"Nothing" he shook his head and began to copy what Mr.Garcia was writing on the board for 'warm up'.


"Still wanna go home?" Matt asked as i hobbled into the Cafeteria. I nodded and made a frowny face.

"It hurts really bad."

"Okay, i'll take you home." he kissed my forehead and we walked to the side doors and flat out ditched school. surprisingly no one stopped us.

I stopped when we got to the parking lot.

"Your talking his car?" My jaw dropped when Matt opened the door to Shawn's car.

"Yeah how else are we going to get home?" He laughed as he held the door open waiting to help me in. I rolled my eyes and and got closer to him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. "my place or yours?"


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