Milkshakes and Michael Phelps

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Scott's P

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Scott's P.O.V

The bell from the front door jingled and I looked up from the dishes I was halfheartedly washing. 

It was a girl, with wavy raven hair and regal-looking brown eyes. The way she carried herself was all too familiar and her face, was part of my memories. Michelle Wong, oh god.

I took off the stupid uniform quickly to the break room and changed to a decent outfit. You know, one that doesn't scream I WORK AT THIS RESTAURANT. 

As I hurriedly brushed through my hair, I screamed to my mother that I was taking a break. Before she could respond, I scurried away. Karma, she does that all the time.

I walked around the restaurant until I spotted her head of dark hair again. Slipping into the seat next to her, I watched as she turned around and smiled to be greeted with my beautiful face. Sarcasm.

"Hey, you're here again," she sounded surprised, yet joyous, like she had just opened a Christmas present. Well, I was no Christmas present so she's probably just here for the milkshakes.

"Yeah, these things, you know. . .good," I stuttered. Oh god, what has happened to me? Buzzfeed Unsolved, ghosts are real.

She giggled and called over a blonde waitress, that was my sister, who was named Callie. Facepalm.

I watched as Callie's braids came closer and closer to me, until it was to close for even the slightest bit of comfort. 

Callie's blue eyes twinkled mischievously as she glazed her eyes over Michelle and me. Her lip formed a smirk and I was once again, writing a suicide note in my head. I widened my supposedly amber eyes, pleading with her like any brother would do when a sister spots them with a girl. She rolled her eyes and raised her eyebrows in a fluid motion, obviously signaling that she'd leave me alone as long as I do multiple favors for her. That includes, doing her homework, doing her chores, doing her projects, and of course, her all time favorite, help her sneak out of the house so she can go motorcycling with her bad boy boyfriend.

"Can I have the Cocoa Bliss milkshake, with whipped cream and the chocolate sprinkles," Michelle asked. Bless the Gods that she didn't see my sister and I's weird exchange of facial movements.

"Sure, would you like a maraschino cherry to top it all off?" Callie said, her voice as sweet as sugar, too sweet. 

"Um, sure," Michelle flipped her hair behind her shoulder and smiled. Wow, this was feeling more and more like one of those beauty ads that annoyingly come up before my YouTube video. I didn't think Michelle is annoying, I swear. She just looks beautiful. Wow, did Disney Channel barf up another show, because I think this is it.

"And what would you like?" 

"One Vanilla Bean milkshake, whipped cream, no sprinkles, and yes, I want a cherry," I glanced at my supposedly innocent sister suspiciously.

"Sure!" She responded in her peppy cheer team voice. "Vanilla and chocolate ay?" She shot her signature smirk at me. "Classic pairing," she mentioned with emphasis on PAIRING.

Oh wow, I see how it is. Just wait until I meet her boyfriend, I will verbally MURDER HER, because I don't want to go to jail yet, I'm to young.

I watched as she left, but after she gave me a disgusting and very cringey visual of her kissing air. 

"So," I looked over at Michelle. "What do you like to do in your free time?"

Wow, okay, I did not people still asked these questions. What should I say? How about I study 24/7 because college is secretly killing me or I work at this shop with my parents and siblings. Oh yeah, I'm kind of homeless so I still live with them. Maybe I should tell her about my lack of physical talent, that'd turn her on.

"Scott?" This is the part when you say 'He done goofed because he realized he was talking to himself narrator. Well, not talking but like talking, in his mind, or what's left of it.

"I. . . ummmm, read," I answered. Getting all the girls tonight am I right or am I right? I was obviously just kidding, that answer turned off her faster than one can turn off a light.

"Okay, cool," she sounded generally happy. "I like to swim and listen to music."

Okay, she wants a Michael Phelps in her life, I can't give that to her. 

"One cocoa bliss milkshake with whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles, and a maraschino cherry and one vanilla bean milkshake with whipped cream, no sprinkles, and a maraschino cherry." I looked up to see my sister who is now suddenly the Flash, slide our milkshakes toward us.

I took a sip of my milkshake, savoring the creamy texture and the sweet bursts of flavor. Yup, my sister did not make this. 

"Hey." I looked up to see Michelle's diamond-shaped face. "Tomorrow's Saturday, and I really should go out more, so want to meet me at The Orange Tulip Theme Park?"

I looked at her, astonished. Was she actually inviting me to a social event, in public. Wow, she really trusts me now. Well that is, until she gives me her Netflix password. Is she particular about her continue watching section?

"Sure, why not." Playing it cool with Scott Chazan, greatest show since Friends. 

"Cool," she responded, stirring her drink. "2:30 okay with you?"

"Yeah, totally." I could take Saturday off and just work an extra shift on Sunday. It's not like I have a history test to study for or anything. 

Awkward silence is now in progress because we're just sipping our drinks at this point in life. 

My phone buzzed and lit up with a text from my mom, which wasn't so lit. 

Mom: Can you come back to work? Adam's taking his break and Caleb is meeting up with his girlfriend.

Wow mom, you know I'm with a potential girlfriend here so if you don't mind... Oh wait, never mind you do.

I swear, whenever Adam takes a three hour break, she doesn't notice but if I take a break for barely twenty minutes, she's like; "Scott! Where have you been for the past nine hours!?" The unfair favoritism levels are insane.

"Hey, Michelle, I have to go," I tell her. I watch as her expression falls a bit, but she perks right back up. 

"I'll see you tomorrow though, right?" 

"Of course, sorry if I'm late though, I usually am." I finished up my milkshake and started a major brain freeze. 

"Well," she shrugged her shoulders. "Better being late than not showing up at all."

"Yeah," I threw one last smile at her then ran off to the cash register. Hopefully she'll just think that I'm paying for my drink. Also hopefully she still wants me to be her love interest, or her Michael Phelps at least. 


Author's Note-Current Mood: 🐑

I feel like a literal sheep thing today, no joke.

1165 WORDS

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