Chapter 1

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Detention was a horrid thing that I had to endure at least once a month... What can I say ,I can't help beating motherfuckers up.

After detention I come back home,tired of everything. I open my small balcony's door and slide down on the cold bricks covering the ground.

Slowly I start crying and feeling weaker than I ever was. It's just so simple to end it all right here,but... Somehow again... It's not. If I even make sense what I'm saying.

Cold late winter's wind drys the remaining tears. I stand up and start looking out of to the distance. I put my elbows on the railing and cup my face.

'I wouldn't ask more,than just to get my family and friend to come back to me... That's all I need right now' I say to myself still looking at the beaming house lights, lighting up the city.

I look up at the cloudy and dark sky,that's showing it will rain soon. I finally look down and see the day's light. Confused,I turn my head to the balcony's door and open it.

I see myself little,playing with my parents and smiling more than I ever was. Laughter of the three of us fills the room. It made me wonder.. what went wrong?

I turn my head to the side again to see the sky dark and gloomy. I turn once again to the balcony door to see nothing but my grey and boring walls.

And nothing more.


Another school day. I decided to walk to school rather than ride the bus. It's pretty nice. Saving up a bit of money that I have,and getting some fresh air.

As I'm walking I see the new boy of our school walking infront of me. He turns back to me and I quickly remove my eyes that were once on his body. He slowers his step and finally stands beside me. He taps my shoulder while we're still walking.

I'm not rude... I'm just not good with new people. Especially when I let someone in they either end up getting hurt or they hurt me.

I don't respond to his actions as I keep walking.

"Hi" He said rather sounding concerned. Once again,as much as I might seem that I need comfort,I shouldn't be getting it from him.

I stop in my tracks and turn to him.

"Look." I start and turn my head back on the road and start walking again

"If you wanna be friends with me,because I seem like I need it,-"

"I-" He tries to speak but I interupt him.

"Don't even think about it. Ok?" I say ,it's more of a command than a question. He doesn't respond and I just ignore him afterwards. Soon enough I was infront and he was behind me.

Did I seriously hurt this kid? The only thing will be hurting him is if he keeps talking to me.Talking to me is the same thing as you purposely want to get bullied by the rest of the class,don't ask me why,everybody just seems to have something against me. Teenagers are such fragile beings ,everybody has to fit their standards,and oh my how rumours spread fast,just do everybody a favour and shut the fuck up.


I finally come to school slightly forgetting that the oddly nice boy was even behind me.

I close my eyes as I open my locker prepared that somebody pulled another sick prank. I wait,but nothing happens. The only thing that catches my attention is a note in the back of my locker. I slowly proceed to take out the said note that has been thrown in there and I read it.

"I'm always here..." The note said. I lowly chuckle,thinking what in the hell is this bs. Weirdly enough though ,I stand there reading those three words over and over again,acknowledging every part... I mean it's sweet... But,somebody's definitely pranking me.

I crumbled up the note and tossed in my side pocket of my jacket. I proceeded to take the needed books for the upcoming class and shut the lockers door. As I'm turning my heels to walk a way a voice shouts behind me "Minah!" I quickly turn around and see Jungkook 'oh dear lawd' I think to myself as I proceed to start walking away. I gotta give it to him,this boy has stamina.

"Minah! Oh thank goodness I caught you" Jungkook said in between breaths before fully collecting himself to speak again. As his panting and holding his hand on top of his knees all crouched up , I look down at him with a very blank usual stare,that would usually scare people away ,but not him...

He's funny.

"Wanna eat lunch with me today?" Jungkook finally speaks up.

"No." I quickly respond and start walking to my class. "Why not ?" I hear him whine from behind me. I don't bother to respond. Please I really don't wanna drag him into this. "What class you got now?" He yelled again very eager. 'Does he ever shut up' I thought to myself.

This is gonna be very hard...

99 letters before I loved you / Jeon Jungkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now