Chapter 13: Kiss & Tell

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Chapter 13: Kiss & Tell

-Joey's POV-

I was in the middle of the episodes when I heard light snores coming from beside me. I looked over and saw Meghan peacefully sleep on my shoulder. I started at her for a moment and studied her face. The way her eyelashes fell when her eyes were closed, the way her mouth curves a bit when shes having a nice dream, the way her cheeks always have that hint of color in them, and I studied her natural beauty. I smiled at the thought of her. I carefully put one arm under her back, and one arm under her legs and gently picked her up bridal style. I carried her to her bedroom and placed her carefull in her bed. I pulled the blankets up and she snuggled into them. I kissed her forhead and turned off the lights and walked out of the room smiling. I cut off some of the lights in the living room and grabbed a pillow and a blanket from their closet and laid down. I kept tossing and turning because I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about ways I could tell Meghan I love her. It could either break our friendship, or turn into something. I'm hoping for the second one but you never know. I closed my eyes and finally fell asleep while thinking about Meghan.

-Meghan's POV-

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs filling the apartment. I slowly got out of bed and strolled out of my room not worrying about my bed head. "Morning sleepy-head." Joey said being perky as ever at 9am. He was shirtless, and I tried my best not to stare, and I may or may not have had a couple glances but that's it. I fixed Joey and I some orange juice as he put our breakfast on plates. "Thank you sir," Meghan said sitting down and taking a bite of her eggs. "So Meghansan, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the Santa Monica Peir later?" Joey, nervously biting his lip. "Like a date?" I asked. "Well, I mean, maybe, I don't know, it would just be us----" I cut him off by saying, "So, like a date?" he smiled slightly. "You could say that." he said chuckling at the end. "Well then I glady accept!" I heard him sigh, of what sounded like relief. "Can't wait. Be ready around 6. Wear something casual." He said smiling and taking a sip of his orange juice. "Got it." Meghan said while finishing the last of her eggs. "I'm gonna go home to Sawyers to get ready and maybe go to whole foods, I'll be back. Will you be alright? I don't want you falling or anything." He said grabbing his keys off the table. "Alright, I'll be fine." I yelled.


"Meghan! Are you ready?" Joey yelled through my aparment. "Almost!" I ran my straightner over my hair one last time and threw a grey beanie with cat ears on. I wore my BOY sweatshirt and some skinny jeans with my black vans. I checked the mirror one last time and was pleased with my appearence. I'm actually glad I didn't fall or anything. I pretty much held onto the counter most of the time. "Ready!" I walked out and saw Joey in his BOY tank top and skinny jeans, with grey vans. "Okay, that's weird." I said talking about our same choice in shirt. He chuckled as he grabbed my hand and said, "You look beautiful." He said. "Thank you Mr. Graceffa, you look handsome yourself." He helped me into satsuki because my legs and left arm are still very sore. "We can always go somewhere else and not walk if your legs hurt to much." Joey said breaking the silence. " No, I'll be fine. I have you there to lean on," I chuckled. He just smiled and turned up the radio. We blasted Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, and even Brittany Spears. We had the windows rolled down and I'm pretty sure everyone thought we were crazy idiotic weirdos. Infact, we are. We arrived at the pier around 7:30, right when the sun was setting. The sky was lit up with lights from buildings and the sun setting. Joey parked the car and jumped out of his side, closing the door with his foot. He ran to my side and kindly opened the door for me. "Thank you." I said while leaning on him for walking support. "Where are we going?" He shrugged. "Where do you want to go?"He asked me. "I have a couple ideas." I pointed towards a froyo shop ahead of us. He talked about random crap and how life was going. Seems dumb, but it was actually pretty. We walked into the little shop and I tried to walk faster to th froyo but ended up stumbling backwards. I was close to hitting the ground when a pair of two strong arms caught me from hitting the floor. "Someone's in a hurry for froyo, I see." I chuckled and smiled. He grabbed my hand and we walked to the counter.


 I  finished the last of my froyo and threw it away. I forced Joey to get a cup too, and he enjoyed it. He wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked around the peir. I turned my head and saw the beautiful beach. It was lit up with lights stuck in the sand and the waves were crashing onto the shore as the wind blew. "Joey, can we go there?" I pointed towards the beach.

-Joey's POV-

Meghan pointed towards the Santa Monica Beach. what she didn't know is that I planned a little something down at the beach. We started walking towards the beach. I slipped off my shoes as I helped Meghan with hers. I knelt down and Meghan slowly climbed onto my back. I started running towards the bottom of the beach. I stopped right before the water, i helped Meghan down and our feet touched the water. I smiled at her. She turned away from me to look at the birds and I covered eyes with my hands. "Joseph, what is going on?" I didn't answer her. I turned her around and uncovered her eyes. In front of us was a bunch of candles holding down a plaid beach blanket. I also put down a picnic basket filled with sandwiches and drinks. "This is amazing!" She smile at me and we walked over to the blanket and sat down. We devoured our sandwiches and drinkes while talking about our favorite things, places we want to go in the future.I put the leftover food back into the basket and moved beside Meghan. "Meghansan?" She looked up at me. "I need to tell you something."

-Meghan's POV-

"I need to tell you something." I was confused. He turned towards me and cupped my cheeks and looked into my eyes one last time before his ips connected with mine. His lips felt soft and plump and tasted like pomegranate.I couldn't help but kiss back. We kissed for a minute or two, before we both pulled away for air. Before I could say anything, Joey spoke. "Meghan Channing Camarena. We tell each other everything, but there is one secret I have kept from you forever. You are the most gorgeous person I have ever laid eyes on. Your smile lights up my world and your eyes, I could stare into them for  as long as I live. You are my missing piece. I'm always so happy around you. When I met you I knew we could become best friends, but what I didn't know was that I was going to fall in love with you." I was speechless, I had no words. I smiled at him. I felt like crying, I felt like jumping for joy, I felt loved. I did one action, I kissed him. I kissed him with all of my love. "Meghansan, will you do me the honors of becoming my girlfriend? I smiled at him and replied, "It would be my pleasure." And I gave him a quick kiss before snuggling into his chest and closing my eyes and he stroked my hair.


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