Chapter 11:The Worst Nightmare

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This chapter may have some things that are sensitive to others. To be exact, there is mentions of suicide in this chapter.

Here it was, the new nightmare or so it was presumed. Charlie opened and closed her eyes. She was making sure that this wasn't really just a daydream. What was this nightmare going to be about? That was the big question. She will know soon though, she has been through these nightmares for way too long to know.

A big light was bobbing at the end of a dark hallway. This hallway looked the same as the one from her previous nightmare. The first thing she thought to do was to follow the light. That's how one of her previous nightmares started. It started off with a ball of light. But this was unpredictable, who knows what was behind that light.

Charlie just has to stay strong. She's going to face whatever is beyond that light. She quickly ran down the hall towards the light. Unlike the other dream with Dave Miller this one wasn't a never ending hall. She looked up at the light and touched it. This nightmare felt different to her strangely.

The room she was in was her childhood bedroom from her house in Hurricane. Nothing seemed to be in this room, but she heard someone talking in another room. It sounded like, it couldn't be. Before running out of the room in search of this familiar voice, she looked around the room to see if anything changed from last time. Much really didn't, Stanley and Theodore were both on the ground like last time. The only difference this time was that the window was opened with the curtains moving around and it was daytime outside instead of night.

Most of the nightmares she appeared in were in the nighttime. She ran out of the room to ignore Stanley and Theodore. She didn't want them to turn into a nightmare again. Not like last time where they came to life and she had to hide under the covers of this bed. Like a little girl afraid of the dark. Not this time, this time she will face whatever is coming her way.

As long as this nightmare doesn't throw any tricks she will be fine. She was now in the hall that was between her father's and her own room. The voice was coming from her father's room and she finally figured whose it was. Her father's voice, she couldn't tell what he was chanting, but soon she would figure out. She walked to the door and put her ear over the crevices to listen to him. Now she was worried, if her father was in this nightmare it could be anything.

Maybe a nightmarish animatronic is being made behind this door. Or even he's, no not that incident. There was one thing that happened to her father many years ago that Charlie didn't want to talk about. His own suicide, that's the incident. She has no idea why he did it. The only thing she knows is that he did commit suicide.

Charlie turned the door knob. Already she was regretting her decision to open this door. Her heart began to race. Over and over it skipped a beat. What was behind this door she will know soon enough. She pushed the door out of the way and saw her father.

Her father was trapped inside of a springlock suit. Only the body, legs, and feet were strapped to him. The head was about to be placed on him and the suit's hands. Charlie quickly yelled, "Please don't do it father". That's all she wanted to say, she loved him and didn't want him to die again. This was probably the only way to stop the nightmare.

Her father's head turned to her. A tear was streaming down his eye. He replied to her, "I'm sorry my little one". The head of the suit was placed on his head. A noise of a car's engine was heard. She was too late, that noise indicates that the springlocks crushed him.

Charlie couldn't handle this anymore. Her father and friends are now killed. The only thing left to do is to cry. But she shouldn't because this is only a nightmare. Her friends are not dead in the real world. But her father is, she just needs to remember that this has passed.

The past is the past and she doesn't need to focus on it. Her father, Henry just kept screaming as the springlocks crushed him. Blood was pouring out of the suit. She turned away and heard footsteps running up the stairs. Who could it be? A shadow of a person was on the wall near the entrance of Henry's room.

The person appeared near the entrance. Charlie's tears were now slowly falling down as the person appeared at the entrance. She was turned away from Henry, she didn't want to look anymore. This person was a women though, Charlie's mother. She kept asking, "Charlie, Charlie my sweet baby what happened"?! Why was her mother the only thing that wasn't nightmarish in this dream?

A guardian angel perhaps? Charlie just dropped to the floor. Whoever this was, she didn't want to speak. All she did was point to Henry. She still didn't look at him, she closed her eyes when she pointed in his direction. "Baby, it's alright come here… remember this isn't real", her mother said to her.

She was a guardian angel, why would she calm her down if she wasn't. Was this angel her mother? It probably was, she was a sweet soul. Wasn't as strong as her aunt, but she was sweet. Charlie put her arms around her mother. This was the only thing that wasn't a nightmare and Charlie wanted to ask so many questions since her mother is here to help her.

"Mom, why did my father…", her question was trailing off into hiccups of tears. Charlie felt her mother's warm arm around her back. Her mother's angelic voice spoke, "It was his fault, Dave's… his real name is William though… this is all I know however". Charlie now knows who caused his suicide, Dave Miller. But his real name is William, maybe Clay knew something about that.

He had his real name on file anyways, well according to Carlton before she left Hurricane. Her mother continued on, "There is one more thing you must know, I want you to talk to Lexine again… that girl, she might be strange to you, but she will be a great help". How was that weird girl going to help Charlie? Help her with what, her nightmares? "She knows how to deal with dark spirits, I can't help you with that because I don't have much time here", her mother said. A strange girl knows how to deal with dark spirits, was Charlie's research right the whole time?

Was this strange phenomenon caused by spirits? Her questions were coming close to being answered. More footsteps were coming up the stairs now. Who could it be this time? Her mother whispered, "Wake up, hurry, someone is coming". Charlie began to notice that her mother was disappearing.

Whatever was coming up the stairs was here to kill Charlie. Charlie stood up and quickly stepped back from the entrance to her father's room. She noticed that the light from outside was turning into darkness. This shadow was large. It was most likely an animatronic of some sorts. She thought this was crazy, but the fastest way for her to wake up is to run towards the animatronic.

Charlie did, she ran down the stairs and saw an animatronic halfway up. It was different from the rest that she encountered. It was golden with a purple hat and bowtie. There was nightmarish teeth in its mouth of course and strangely its stomach. Lastly, it had large claws that could rip her apart. This thing just had a weird vibe, something wasn't right about it.

Compared to the others, they were scary. This one was just weird. It felt like she was in the presence of Michael. Her old friend who was kidnapped back in the 80's. Ignoring it, she quickly lunged herself at it. Straight when she did, her eyes opened. It was finally the next morning.

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