Chapter 1 - Time

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So I am rewriting this book after cringing at how bad of a writer I was, and I hope that everyone who read the book originally came back to read an actually decent book... Sorry...

The music up above has no relation to the chapter, except of the fact that it helped me write this chapter!

Sand in your shoes - This Providence


??? P.O.V

The experience of falling in your dreams, described in one word, would sustain a simple definition. But it will induce more meaning to many than was previously conceived. 

Galvanic, an adjective. The meaning of this word is sudden and dramatic. 

With the air bending and twisting around even the tiniest hair on your body. Or how gravity supersedes when the platform that keeps you stable, collapses. Moments before you awake to that feeling, your body catches up with your imagination and jerks, as if falling in the dream was reality. That jerk will jolt you into a state of panic, as though all of the adrenaline you built up, jumps out of your body, allowing you to pant for air while frantically looking around for any threat. 

When actually falling our emotions shift exponentially. People panic and in wild, uncontrollable terror, they wither inside themselves before pounding into the ground and fracturing the skull, which would kill them instantly. On rare occasions the back breaks. All of the fractured pieces of the spine and ribs would then be shoved into the lungs from the force of the fall. The lungs would then be punctured from the sharp fragments and the lungs will slowly fill with blood. Again, this will kill you. Though some people are lucky, if you can really say it's luck. They survive and unfortunately become paralyzed or die later, while in the process of being saved. My experience with this can be described as a hit and miss. Get it? A hit and miss! 

If you didn't understand that, I am so sorry for what materialized in your childhood.

Most of my time is spent performing the exact thing that breaks the frail structure commonly recognised as the skeleton.

The world I'm trapped in is warped as every moment when the landing connects I reappear seeing the ledge of the building and the smiling face that he glares with. His crazed eyes, staring through me, seeing me fall time and time again with his hands stretched out, as if he was holding them up in praise to the Lord.

Time always seems slower when falling, as if it repeats the same thing in a never ending cycle, before the loop breaks upon your impact, leaving splatters of blood on the ground as you look toward the seemingly endless sky. I never understood how this cycle started as I fall, over and over, never knowing if time in the genuine world is passing me by or if the time I'm experiencing is simply a ruse. A false type of reality where I replay this moment, mulling over this one fact, trying to break this loop of never ending falls, never ending landings, and the smiling face staring at me as I descend.

A hard impact to my back and neck suddenly crashes my thoughts as a broken cry escapes me. My world turns black and a bright light appears before I feel weightless once again. This time felt different than before. My head had started pounding, my body was burning and my lungs couldn't take in air. The wind flew by me and once again I cleared the landing before I reappeared at the top. What puzzled me about this sudden change was the damage, not caused by the landings, but from the wind that once caressed me now seemed to tear apart my body. None of the injuries on my back have healed as they should have. 

I was falling again and my back was bleeding. Gravity along with the ferocious wind had moved the blood from my back to my stomach, along with what I'm assuming is ripped skin was being pulled relentlessly. A couple more landings were presented to me before I felt something pierce my flesh and push out of my back. Tears floated out of my eyes as I had lost my voice a while ago. The process took forever and by the time the pain faded I crashed back onto the pavement and was transported to the top of the building again. But instead of only seeing him standing there, I saw the top of the roof, and nobody seemed to be up here. 

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