Chapter 4 - Magic

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Merlin's POV

I stood in awe as the strange man stood in the light. His feathers shuffled around slightly as he seemed to breath in the warm rays that shimmered from the sun.

Arthur stood by my side and watched for any signs that this man could be a potential enemy. I highly doubted his judgement but didn't say anything as to not hurt his pride.

A small sigh escaped me and I thought about what had happened last night.

"We need to go. There's no telling how much time we have until they arrive, and we can't really hide what happened."

Arthur nodded and headed over to the cart where two dashing black stallions stayed tethered to the wood. Slowly walking over the the injured stranger and making sure his movements were visible, I lightly tapped his shoulder to get his attention.

"Hey. We are getting ready to tear down our camp, if you want to wait in the cart, feel free to sit on the benches in there." I informed the man and hoped that he understood me. I knew something was wrong with his hearing. Whether he could only hear a little or not at all, I didn't know. So to save some papyrus and get the man accustomed to seeing words instead of hearing them, I also used a couple of hand gestures.

He seemed to understand a little of what I said. More with the gestures then the spoken words, but moved over the Arthur.

Now that I had some time alone I pulled out a hologram screen and waited as the general answered my call. Thankfully I didn't have to wait long and a small general popped into the light.

"Did you need something, Captain?" The general didn't look too happy with me, and his voice clearly stated that, but there wasn't any extra time to dawdle on his attitude today. I had a bad feeling about staying in this area any longer, so I tried to hurry report along and not waste time. 

"Yes general! I have made contact with the Colonel and we are starting to move closer to the battle. Although there is one problem, sir." I paused and I felt my hands become clammy.

I hope to God that he doesn't kill me for this!

"Spit it out captian, I haven't got all day."

He's going to kill me. This is it. Goodbye world.

"Well, you see, sir. We had a very, unexpected situation occur, and a lot of the um, medical supplies, that I was carrying, had been used. For that situation. Sir." Stumbling over the words every now and again I swore the general was blowing his cap off.

"Care to enlighten the situation that cost us our supplies? Or are you going to dodge the question?"

"Sir, well you see, it's not th-"

A tap on my shoulder made me look behind at the culprit, almost surprised to see the birdman standing behind me. He peaked over my shoulder, looking at the device in my hand in shock, as if he'd never seen anything like it before.

"Captain. What is this." The general scowled at the man who was now reaching for the device, and to keep him from taking it, I held the hologram over my head.

"Hey. Hey! Stop!" In desperation I tried jumping away from the curious man but in an instant he unfolded his wings and grabbed my hologram and flew right out of my reach.

A few seconds later, a shimmer flew past me and slammed into the ground. Turning to look at the object I saw a long, skinny hole that was left by my device.

Fucking hell. You have got to be kidding me. That cost a fortune!

"Really? What's the problem now? Did you want to play fetch. Well whoopdie-doo, look at what has happened here because fetch is the last thing on my mind!" I screamed at the birdman, who looked shocked by the sudden change in my attitude.

I felt the air shift and there was a drop in temperature. Shivering and losing some of my previous gusto ask I saw a large shadow being cast over me.

"That wasn't nice. Apologize." The tone gave no room for me to argue so I turned and bowed my head to the stranger.

I kept my head down and swallowed through the thick tension in the air. I was about to raise my head when I felt hands on the sides of my face. With gentle force they lifted my body and looked straight into my eyes.

And then my lips parted slightly as his eyes changed. Slowly darkening, turning from the warm green to a dreadful black. I froze. His gaze was threatening but his touch was gentle. I didn't know what was happening and none of the words I tried to say would leave my mouth.

And with a final glance behind me he slammed his lips upon mine while his gaze never left the Colonel. As quick as it happened it ended and I only saw the white jacket the held a crest that stood out proudly.

But then I felt nothing.


"My, my! What have we got here. I have to say, this is quite an amazing creature. May I ask how you came across him?"

The other man stood away from me, talking quietly and mumbling through his answer. My mind wasn't too focused on his answer though as my whole body screamed at me to escape.

And although I knew that if I didn't escape now, there was no way that I would ever leave, my body wouldn't move.

The two men chatted to each other and there seemed to be a bargain going on, which settled quickly, leaving me alone in the dangerous presence of the buyer.

His smirk spread across his face and his eyes looked crazed as he took in my appearance.

"You're looking awfully good for your age. How old are you now?"  The sneer in his voice left me breathless. I had no idea what he was talking about and no recollection of how this man knew me.

"What's wrong? You don't remember me? That makes me sad. Do you know how long I've looked for you? It was easier to find you before you became this, thing, but now you say you dont even remember me?" He paused looking at me with what could only be described as betrayal. "I did everything for you. You always had my back! What happened? Now that we had both been reincarnated you don't need me anymore?"

I opened my mouth to deny him but I still had no voice. I tried to deny what he said saying I didn't know him and that he had the wrong person.

"Isn't that right Canopus?"

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