Chapter 3 - Dawn of the Day

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See if you can guess which character he is portraying. I wish you luck!

Hint : I have talked about him already.


When I opened my eyes once more, instead of seeing the beige tarp I saw wood walls and open rafters that stretched over the vast ceiling. My eyes, still heavy from my long sleep started to close once more as my body begged to sleep. I would have complied with that demand if the door slamming against the wall didn't scare me out of my wits. The bang pierced my ears surprising me as this was the first real sound I heard in a long time.

Immediately after jumping up I felt my sore muscles start to protest. With careful movements I lowered myself down to the bed again before looking at the intruder who had not yet made a move to close the door or step out of the blinding sunlight.

The silhouette finally started towards me and closed the door firmly behind them. And that was when I saw him.

He looked so familiar, the way his eyes seemed to focus on me immediately with a sorrowful look. The way he smiled sent my stomach twisting. His light hair, that caught the small crystal beams of light and sparkled, looked so unnaturally beautiful I was frozen in place.

And then I saw it.

Everywhere I looked it tainted the ground and covered the ceiling.

Flesh and clumps of blood covered body parts were pinned on the walls. They hung almost dangerously, almost as though they were trying to escape. The table which I had been resting on was covered in warm blood and painted my skin and dyed my hair.

A sinister laugh echoed viciously throughout the barn as I tried to break free from the black leather restraints. My stomach burned, my arms ached, my legs shook and my eyes watered.

How did I get here? What happened to Arthur and Merlin? Did this man do something to them?

Grotesque answers followed shortly after as I saw a severed head thrown towards me. The entire spine was still intact and drenched with veins and red clumps. I'm not sure if that set tears streaming down my cheeks but I knew that my attacker looked on with a delighted look in his eyes.

"You must have known this was coming. Come on, just say it."

I heard giggled cheers come from the head that now lay on the hay in front of me. Blood spewed from his mouth as his cheers got louder.

They called my name. They said my name.

Shrill squeaks were heard from the walls as the previously hung flesh tore the nails that bound them out and floated towards me.

Why can't I hear my name? Why can't I hear you say it?

Hands took my shoulders and I slowly turned to look at the man behind the curtain. "Come on boy. It's your party!"

My body was shaken rapidly and my eyes closed and I heard my neck cracking. With a loud click my world went quiet.


What's happening? I feel hands on my shoulders. What are they doing?

I tried to move my arms but got stopped as I felt something encasing my wrists. My eyes teared and I tried to open my eyes. They opened easily, not even any resistance, but I couldn't see anything.

Why is the world black?  Why can't I see?

I flung my head back and forth as the grip on my shoulders got tighter. And finally aftrer a few seconds, my world was attacked by a light beige tent.

Relaxing only slightly, still ready to try and escape is he was still here, I looked to the side of the bed and saw-


My voice cracked as my vocal chords denied me loudly spoken words, but he seemed to get the message.

He walked over when he deemed that Arthur had heard everything he said and started talking to me. I still couldn't hear anything he said but I was glad he was alive. Glad that he and Arthur weren't taken from me.

Merlin seemed to notice I couldn't hear anything as I didn't react to anything he had said so he pulled over a sheet of papyrus and a quill. 

"Are you ok? After we sedated you, it was as though you were fighting a demon."

His elegant writing curled over the page almost distracting me from his question. I nodded and looked over at Arthur whose shoulders were shaking heavily as his hair draped over his eyes. Merlin, obviously not enthralled by Arthur's behavior started yelling at him. I looked between the pair and took in wounds that were now starting to protrude my thoughts. 


Every cut, scratch or bruise stood out on my body and if I had the time to do so, I would have been counting the wounds for the next week. I sat up slowly feeling my back pop back into its original position, which Merlin turned to the sound after Arthur had been scolded properly and snatched my chin, dragging my face over to his. This is when I really wish I would have been able to read lips, as he started talking to me, possibly scolding me for getting up while looking over my wounds.  I gave him a nervous chuckle and he threw his hands down while pouting.

There seemed to be a shift in the atmosphere and both Arthur and Merlin smiled at one another. It was strange to see two men so close to one another. Every time I saw them, either when Merlin was helping me with my bandages, or from the opening of the tent flying open with every wind that passes, they were together.

It brought back hazy memories that I knew were mine but nothing about them made sense. There seemed to be patches of my memory missing and unfortunately, the memories I had now didn't help me in the slightest.

Merlin tapped my shoulder gently before having Arthur extend his hand towards me.

"What in God's name are you doing?"

The sudden sound of my question spooked Arthur as his hand retracted slightly and his eyes looked lost before he grabbed my hand forcefully pulling me out of bed. My legs shook as I tripped out of the warm duvet and I shivered as the wind decided to greet my exposed skin.

Merlin handed me a fur insulated coat that appeared out of nowhere, again enforcing his new name, and I gladly accepted his kind gesture. Arthur took both hands and started walking with me in front and him holding me steady with a strong grip on my forearms.

Excitement made me quake as I rushed to get through the bellowing tent flap and out in the sun. When the light flooded my body and doused me in blankets of warmth I felt alive. My dream was almost forgotten and I felt my wings pushing softly on my coat asking to be released and ride through the current.

What I wouldn't give to fly freely and explore the skies.


Sorry for the short chapter... next chapter will have a surprise for you all!!

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