lost it all

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Eve up top at 16


Eve's POV.

Hi I'm eve black. I live with adopted parents that are too busy to ever notice me. I tried looking for my real parents but I have a feeling they are dead. I still have my mother's necklace. I look at it and think why did she abandoned me. Sometimes I'll dreams of her and my dad fighting against something or someone. I don't really know what they are but it looks like they were bad. I sometimes dream I am fighting along side them. I would draw them down in my binder so I won't forget about them. Recently I've been getting in trouble in school for drawing or falling asleep in class. Its not better in my home either. They told me I need to stop drawing messy drawings and pay attention in school. I never do since they all never understand me. I have to go the school is about to start. I close my binder and walk away from the benches to the school listening to wretched and divine in my ear buds. I walk into the school and greet everyone. here people are outcasts like me. I walk to my first class. I sit down in my seat. I open up my notebook and start drawing again. I don't pay attention since all the teacher does is yell. I look down at my drawling and draw myself that I saw in my dream. I get another flashback of my parents standing together with a army. i see myself with them. I draw the next page of me looking like them. I hear yelling and I look up to see her yelling at me for drawing again. she pulls one of my ear buds out and I look at her. She walks to the front of the class yelling. I dont pay attention since I know she does that to try to give me attention in school. I roll my eyes and put my ear buds inside my ear. I feel someone pull my arm. I look at the teacher yell at me to go to the principal's office. I close my notebook and walk out of class. I walk down the halls looking around. Maybe I won't get that much of trouble with mom and dad. I look at the pentagram key chain on my bag. I always look at it to remind me that my mom never left me. I open the principal's office door and sits in chair. he is calling my parents for the tenth time. I finish drawling myself and close it. The principal tells me I'm suspended for a week and already called mom and dad. I roll my eyes and leave. I start walking home since my parents would be so pissed off. I walk inside house. i close the door and put my bag down. I turn around to see my parents very furious.

"give me your notebook" dad says

" I don't have to give you anything" I yell out at him.

"you have to since I got a call from the principal saying you are suspended for not paying attention in class he told me that you were drawing once again" dad says and yanks the note book from my hand. He opens it and looks through it. He sees the one of me. I grab my notebook. He holds it.

" why are you drawing satanic things in your notebook" mom says

"it isn't satanic this is me in my dream" I yell out and grab it out of their hands. I pick up my bag. "i hate you both I'm leaving"

they grab my arm and pull me to stay. I try to break free I scream. Then I saw paramedics run inside the house. My parents push me to the ground. I start fighting with them. I feel them push my hair away from my neck and inject me. I start feeling light headed. I let the medicine kick in and I fall asleep.

End of POV.

The paramedics lay eve on stretcher and strap her down. They take her out of the house into the ambulance. They drive away to the mental hospital.


Next chapter will be Eve's POV again. hope you all will like the book.

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