new years day

42 1 6

*at the masses*

Justin's POV.

"Jackson watch out" I says and throws knife.

"Thanks " Jackson says and fights more FEAR soldiers.

"Jinxx they are taking the rebels " I say and runs. Cc grabs me.

"Stop Justin its too late you aren't going to be next to leave" cc says and hugs me. Ever since my mom passed away cc has gone overprotective of me. I know cc worries about me being next so i listen to him.

"Don't worry too much OK dad" I says and hugs back

"I'm trying not to" cc says and laughs. I laugh with him. I start walking to Jackson. Jackson looks out of breath.

"Your grandparents and uncle is driving me nuts already" Jackson says

"I know right they do but I'm seeing them tomorrow" I says.

"I know that" Jackson says.

"Ok but we still need to talk about you know what" I say.

"Oh ya well I found her wow your sister is cute" Jackson says. I start laughing. Jackson had a crush on my sister for along time. I never met her but the way he describes her I think she's amazing.

"Already have a crush on her" I say laughing.

"I have" he says

"Really" I say. Me and Jackson are like brothers to each other I don't know what I would do if he died.

"I'm thinking of bringing her here" Jackson says. I look at him. He knows if he tries going to her he won't come back but knowing him in love he won't let that stop him he will find a way.

"You would risk it to save my sister" I say.

"I would dude don't worry I'll be back before anything happens to you Ok" Jackson says.

"Ok bro" I say. We start both start heading to the church. A lot has happen after my mom died. My dad has turned weak after she died. He explained to me that they both were marked. I got my mark after I saved her from them. I heard that she's there with them but dead. Andy told us that there is another rebellion inside the town. Maybe tomorrow I'll get to see them. We arrive in the church. We both stand next to our parents. We looked around to see everyone arguing. I look for andy but he's arguing with Ashley and jake. I step up to the stand and hit it with my fist. They all quiet down.

"This is what they want they want us to argue so we can be destroyed. This won't solve anything" I say.

"He's right we are slowly losing soldiers" andy says

"Then we should join forces with the runaways" ashley says

"The runaways are they the ones inside" I say

"Yes they are we don't need help from them" andy says

"Whatever you say andy" I say

"Rebels prepare for another attack" andy says and leaves.

I sigh. I head up to the room to rest
Next chapter: Eve's 

shout outs and Video of the day


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