Backstory 2: The Weapon

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Broken lights hung from the ceiling, wires escaping their sockets, live sparks flying from the ends.

Scorched walls and black smoke rose from the floors, foreshadowing a dark past.

Important documents and files scattered among the floor....Men lay dead in the middle of the fire lit room, their bodies scortched and barely was as if they had just been run through a cremetorium and dumped here....

Loud sirens filled the air becoming more and more deafening...

"HE'S OVER HERE!" The gaurd shouted from down the hall spotting you instantly.

Your eyes instantly grew larger at the sight of the soldier gathering the rest of his men.

You started sprinting down the long corridor with the color black surrounding every inch of the area. it was so dark and hard to see with only the siren lights above you giving you vision.

You turned a corner at the end of the hallway and glanced back to see the men running after you, turning forward you noticed the hanger doors to the facility with military cars filled with precious cargo being loaded in.

Smiling, you gathered more energy to pull yourself together and make it through the door.

You found it more and more difficult to breathe considering the shape you were in. You've been in that room for days deprived from food eating the handfulls of food that were presented to you. They treated you as if you were an animal, the expirements they performed on you were...

Inhumane couldn't even begin to describe it...

Running for your life, every single bad thought had clouded your mind and you began to tear up. As the tears escaped your eyes, the wind carried the water and pulled it back towards the soldiers who were gaining quickly.

Things started to get worse once you saw the metal doors from the hanger in front of you slowly starting to close shut trying to keep you locked in...

Panting heavily you gained more speed...

Almost there! You begin to think.

The soldiers were on your six, all one needed to do was pounce and he would catch you.

But, it was too late as you jumped through the remaining space into the darkness of night between the two doors and was able to make it right as the doors closed locking the soldiers inside.

You fell to the ground rolling a little bit before you got back up.

You got up quickly thinking the best thing to do now is to keep running and dont stop....but before you did, you couldn't help but notice the two figures standing above you on the roof...

Your eyes widened in terror at the sight of the two figures and instantly started sprinting the opposite direction into the thick woods.

"Should we stop him?" The one looking down the scope of the sniper said, speaking with a thick french accent. She had purple skin and eyes that could pierce the very soul of a human being.

"No.....well let the gaurds handle this one.....he's just another failed experiment." The man next to her said in a grunge tone. He looked like the depiction of death....wearing a mask to conceal his identity and weilding duel shotgun-like pistols in each hand.

She lowered her sniper and carried an unfazed expression, than gave a smirk.

"He'll die sooner or later."

They turned around and began to walk back towards the front end of the base passing by a flag pole....with the talon flag flying high in the night sky.

A Dragon's Fire [Genji x Male Reader] Overwatch Fanfic / PART 1Where stories live. Discover now