Chapter 6: Dreams

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"Im assuming you felt it...." Genji said with a stern voice.

"I-I did..." You said with slight hesitation.

You both felt almost every emotion with that sudden outburst. Most of all, you both had felt power and love.

A silence crept its way into the long stare you two were holding when Lena sprung up outa nowhere and interupted the serious moment.


Genji knew she was there but you hadn't.

"AHHH! FFFFFFFFFFF!!" Wanting to keep the cursing at a minimum you turned around away from the two, clenching your hands in reaction to the jump scare.

You started letting black smoke come out of your nose letting all the angst out.

Genji laughed at the expense you were in but, in a friendly manner.

You turned around and shown a smile that was aggrevated, annoyed and yet still happy.

"Ha...ha....*deep breath* not cool!...." You said bending down holding onto your knees.

You look towards genji, "... and not funny either!" You laughed along with genji despite the earlier statement.

"Oh really (y/n)? You seem to think otherwise." Genji radiated a geniune smile underneath that mask and you could tell.

You look at genji with a ' dont mess with me' look in a playful way.

"I just wanted to come and say that you should probably get some rest (y/n)! You have a fight to be prepared for tomorow!"

You shot her a confused look, what time was it?

You pulled out your phone.


"Dang it, your right lena.  Genji, it was so nice meeting you!"

Genji nodded his head in agreement.

"Likewise (y/n)"

You kind've had a hard time looking away from the masked cyborg, he was mesmorizing.

As you started walking backwards towards the direction of your dorm waving you said," See you guys tomorow!"

Genji waved back along with lena.

"We cant wait to see your performance tomorow!" Lena said still excited.

You rolled your eyes and smiled turning away and walking normally towards your dorm.


Genji walked back to his room and smiled it was very interesting to think about what your ability was. Everyone was talking about it so genji couldn't help but, feel a little curious.

He placed a hand on the door knob and instantly felt uneasy...

'Something is not right...'

He opened the door to see the golden katana out of its case and stabbed into the ground.

His eyes went wide with shock.

No one here at overwatch would have any intention of messing with genji's belongings.

Suddenly the lights in the room went off and the only thing genji could see was a spotlight shining on the golden sword.

Walking a step closer towards the object, he noticed a figure in the dark behind it coming closer.

"Don't step any closer or i will show no mercy!" Genji said raising his voice and pulling out his sword.

He relaxed a little at the sight of you stepping into the spotlight in front of the sword with a blank expression.


He could see your eyes look up towards him and a warm smile grew upon your face. You began to close your eyes and move your head up towards the light above.

Genji rested more and put his katana away starting to feel the sensation again like before.

As you inhaled air he witnessed you exhale black smoke coming out from your nose.

' happening?'

"(y)...(y/n)?" Genji began to reach out a hand as if to reach you and have you explain whats going on.

As his hand rose about chin level to his face, you looked back down at genji with beat red irises and the same warm smile that could melt the darkest of hearts.

His hand hesitated a bit and stopped when he notcied the creeping figure coming from behind you.

Genji began to gasp and stutter a bit in his breath when he began to see what the creature that came into view was. It was enormous compared to you....

The Grand Master Dragon...

It was like genji was reliving the story again through his eyes...

He looked at the sword, then you, then the dragon...

In a sudden flash the room around the both of you burst into flames. Anger had now entered the mind that once was calm. Your face grew more and more serious and upset.

Just like genji saw a presence behind you, he could feel someone behind him but, he couldn't turn around to see who it was. It was like he was frozen in place. Chills began to run down his back at this terrifying presence...

The worst part about it was that this unknown being, felt just as powerful as (y/n).

Without hesitation, you pick up the sword and point it in genji's direction.

Genji gulped at the action and tried to force out words but, it felt like his breathing was heavy, struggling to get out a word.


In an instant the dragon behind you went directly through you towards genji with an open mouth and a loud roar.


Genji woke up gasping for air at the horrifying dream.

He stared at the wall in front of him trying  to regain himself.

Turning his head toward the sword on the wall a stern expression crossed his face as he couldn't help but wonder, What are you exactly?....

A Dragon's Fire [Genji x Male Reader] Overwatch Fanfic / PART 1Where stories live. Discover now