Finding something

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Giselle POV

Uurrggg  he make's me so mad what does he mean he doesn't know if he wants to become Alpha it's what he's been training for his whole life. I cant believe this is happening my chances of becoming Luna are slipping away I need to figure something else out if he rejects my plan.

But what can I do to convinces him that he needs to play along I need this I need to become Luna. I've always wanted to be Luna like my mother she gets everything she wants. Don't I deserve to have everything also I am the daughter to one of the most powerful Alpha's around.

"Why did you lie" I heard a male voice say. I turn around to see who it is but I cant see anyone my heart is pounding so fast I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even hear anyone. Who's there show yourself" I say.

 I'm freaking out here who knows I lied someone must have been listening to my conversation with Nathan. I hear some wrestling in the bushes I see someone step out I've never seen him before I wonder if he's from one of the other packs.

"Who are y.... I cut myself off I know who he is he's my "Mate". 

William POV

For the last two years I've had my spies in both packs trying to get me information about this great white wolf who killed my brother. Either my spies are morons or whatever pack has her they are hiding her really good. I've been watching the girl and the old lady in the cottage for a while now I know her name is Ashley but know one knows where she came from. I'm not even sure if the girl is a wolf she doesn't give off a sent I'm thinking she must be human.

Both of the Alphas have daughters but only Alpha Travis's daughters are old enough to shift and they aren't pure white. Where the fuck is this white wolf I want her to pay for what she did to my brother.

I'm at the lake watching the girl that lives in the cottage she's just laying on the rocks. Why isn't she at the party like everyone else? She must be human if she's not there I hear someone coming I hide deeper in the woods I can hear a guy and a girl arguing.

It sounds like yep it is my mate Giselle only she doesn't know it yet I've kept my distance from her. I was hoping she wasn't the white wolf so I wouldn't have to kill her. I listen to them argue I want to rip this Nathan apart for him yelling at my mate but I have to stay calm so I'm not notice.

He gets into the water and swims away I watch as my mate kicks up the dirt on the ground and storms off. I follow her for a little bit  her smell is intoxicating I need to know why she lied. Before I even realize it I said it out loud she stops and turns around trying to find me.  

"Who's there show yourself" she says so I do."Mate" is all I hear from her pretty little lips I grab the back of her neck pull her towards me and I smash my lips to hers. I'm kissing her roughly not at all gently I hear her moan she like it rough just like I thought. I shove my tough down her throat and she moans again she puts her hands in my hair pulling my hair and is pulling me closer to her.

Then she stops we are both breathing heavy looking at each other with lust. "Who are you she says". "William" I tell her. "William what?" she replies. "William O'Conner" I tell her. She takes a step back with a smirk on her face and says "William O'Conner I re....." I don't let her finish that sentence I knew it was coming. 

I quickly step up to her and sink my teeth into her neck and mark her. She moans of pleasure and pain I can taste her blood in my mouth she taste so sweet. I know she's going to hate me after this but I just can't stand the thought of her rejecting me and being with someone else.

I let go of her, she takes a step back and slaps me hard across the face. "I guess I deserve that huh?" I say. She has tears in her eyes she puts her hand over the spot were I marked her.

I want to tell her its okay and that I'm sorry but I cant I'm not sorry. She was going to reject me I couldn't allow that she is mine not his MINE. I take a step closer to her and she takes a step back the tears are coming down her face now.

I want to wipe them for her but she wont let me touch her god I fuck up big time.


Giselle POV

He marked me I cant believe this what am I going to do I cant be with Nathan I cant be Luna. I have nothing I don't even know what pack he belongs to. Oh god what if he's just an ordinary wolf I will be nothing and have nothing.

The tears start coming down my cheeks I cant believe what just happened my mother will be so mad at me and my father will never let me be Luna of this pack. He just ruined everything I cant be around him I need to get away. I turn and shift into my wolf and run as fast as I can away from him.


Nathan POV

I cant believe I found my mate and she's the white wolf I couldn't be any happier if I tried. She pulls back from kissing me I know if we don't stop I will mark and mate with her in any minute. I open my eyes to look into hers but she has her eyes closed still. "Open your eyes" I say to her. She slowly opens them and she has these amazing caramel color eyes that just make you want to loose yourself in them.

I smile at her and she smiles back at me embarrassed she tucks her head into my neck and starts to niff me. I love the way she feels in my arms I don't think I can or want to give her up she feels to damn good.

I know its short but I had to give you something next one will be a bit longer I promise. please comment I need to know that you are liking it so far or if I'm just boring you to death I would love to hear anything from you.......


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