Straighten Out

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Swait POV 🌑

"Aye Swait! Come down here boy, somebody is here for you!" My Dad said from downstairs.

I already knew who it was so I immediately got up and made my way downstairs. I mean, not that I'm in a rush to see him, it's just rude to keep someone waiting, you know?

"Oh Dad this is my friend Chris." I informed him.

"Oh, I thought he was here to start some trouble...." My Dad joked.

Chris chuckled. "Nope, you don't have to worry about that. I'm one of the good guys...."

"Well that's nice to hear-"

"Ain't it? Come on Chris, we're going in my room." I said as I let him in, trying to cut that conversation short because I was getting impatient.

We made it into my room and I watched as his face lit up as his eyes explored the place. "Wow,  your room is amazing...." he said, in awe.

I chuckled a little. I don't understand why he's so impressed. The only interesting things in my room are the walls, which are filled with pictures of my favorite artists, my works of art, my CD player and my endless CD collection. It's really simple if you ask me.

"It's not all that, but thank you...." I said, actually happy he likes my room so much.

"My room is basic compared to yours...." he said as he walked closer to one of my portraits on the wall.

I got nervous waiting for his reaction because it's the one I had the most trouble creating and I really don't know if it's even good compared to the rest of my stuff. But it's the one that means the most to me, that's why I can't let it go.

"Swait, this is one of the best I've ever seen! You made this!?" He said, as he admired my work.

I smiled a little, happy about him liking it. I guess the portrait isn't bad after all.

"Thank you so much!" I said

"Who is it supposed to be? Or is it just someone random?"

"It's a portrait of my mother...." I told him.

"Wow, she's a beautiful woman."

"Thanks...." I said, flattered that he likes the drawing so much.

"Have you shown this to her yet? If so, does she like it?"

"She hasn't seen it...." I said

"Well damn what are you waiting for? The whole world deserves to see it, if I'm being honest. Actually the whole world deserves to see all of your work!"

I chuckled. "Shut up Chris...." I said as I blushed.

"I'm serious...." He said as he sat his basketball down, on the floor and sat on my bed. "You don't mind me sitting here do you?" He asked

"Not at all." I said as I sat down next to him.

He immediately tensed up and got nervous. I found that cute. Maybe he does like me after all....

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