It's A Wrap

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I sighed as I quickly thought of my final decision, while they continue going back and forth with smart ass comebacks to each other. This is hard for me because I have deep feelings for both of them.

On one hand I have Broderick who has been there for me for quite sometime now. Everything was perfect when we were together and we really only broke up because he moved to New York. Now that he's back and still showing interest in me, tells me that his feelings for me never left and the love he has for me is real.

On the other hand I have Lakir. Woo where do I even begin with this one right here? We started off on such a rocky road, wanting to kill each other so badly. But deep down, feelings for each other were developing. There's something about him and I together that's so fiery and exciting that it keeps me so interested in him. We know how to get on each other's last nerve but we also know how to make each other's heart skip a beat.

I got out of my own thoughts and started listening to them bicker with each other.

"Boy I'll knock your ass out, quit playing with me." Lakir told Broderick.

"What!? Well what's up then!?" Broderick said as he got out of the car and made his way to Lakir.

I quickly got out the car and got in between them before any punches were thrown.

"Both of y'all need to stop! Enough is enough!" I told them.

"Fuck him." Lakir said

"Lakir!" I raised my voice at him.

"Bruh you got all that mouth from afar. Don't let JC standing in between us be your excuse as to why you won't step to me like a man." Broderick calmly said, which means he's pissed off right now.

Lakir wasted no time swinging on Broderick but Broderick blocked it and I pushed Lakir back so I can create more space between them.

"Both of y'all need to calm the fuck down!" I told them.

"Ayo JC for the last time, who is he!?" Broderick asked me, furiously.

I finally told him "He's my boyfriend!"

He looked at me with an instant expression of hurt. "Hold up, what? You serious!?"

I sighed. "Yes, I'm sorry Broderick but I can't leave Lakir....mainly because I don't want to."

Broderick looked at Lakir then looked back at me. "Alright fine." He said and I know he's hurting so much on the inside.

"I didn't know you would be moving back here...." I said, feeling bad.

"Nah it's cool. I understand completely...." he says before getting back in his car, mumbling stuff and driving off.

I sighed then looked at Lakir, who's holding this annoyed expression.

"So that was your ex huh? Tell me why you were with him just now." He said

I rolled my eyes. "He was about to take me on a date-"

"Oh really!? And you think that's ok!?" He said, cutting me off in mid-sentence.

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