Piece by piece

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Chapter 13

" Piece by piece."

Rochelle Quinn's POV:

Ivan and Skylar stood down the hallway.

And judging by the stares, the same boys resembled the people who these idiots seemed to fear.

The Rossi's.


Holy shortbread and noodles.

"Ball-gag, Pet-killer, pleasure to meet your acquaintance." I greeted, this time welcoming the shock leaking off the people who surrounded us.

"You haven't changed one bit." The redhead chuckled, watching me carefully.

I smiled and ran up to him, letting him pick me up and spin me around until we both turned dizzy. He hugged me tightly against himself, as if I would slip away at any second.

"I missed you, Ivi." I admitted willingly, whispering it into his ear so nobody would hear.

"We missed you too, Rock."

"If you continue with this soppy shit then I'm going back to Juvie." A deep voice spoke. I released Ivan and stared at his younger brother.

We smiled at each other, yet it was more mischievous than happy.

"Still breaking animals necks?" I asked curiously, eyeing the knife wedged into his sock.

"Still breaking people's noses?" Skylar asked sarcastically, eyeing my scarred and cut up hands.

"I guess some things never change." I chuckled, pulling the midget into a hug. "I missed you, Sky."

"Missed you too, Rock." His voice was mumbled which made me laugh.

"Hold on a second?" Jackson's annoying, irritating, unwelcomed voice chimed in again. "You know each other?"

Ivan put his arm around my shoulder and sent daggered looks to the boy who interrupted our reunion. He ignored the question.

"I've been wanting to speak to you, Jacky. We left my baby brother here for a couple of months and suddenly you believe that you own the place? I think the fuck not." Ivan's voice was a lot colder than I remembered. And stronger.

Confidence radiated off him easily, a stark contrast to the broken shell of a boy that I remember.

"It was your fault, you couldn't have expected us to do nothing. You broke my nose, I broke your brother." Jackson shrugged, however his eyes betrayed him as they leaked of pure fear.

Sky growled at him and grabbed his pocket knife, holding it in the direction Jackson was stood. All of his friends and the surrounding crowd moved backwards fearfully, yet Jackson stood incredibly still as he swallowed all the shame I hoped to God he felt.

Luckily for him, I don't feel like witnessing a stabbing today.

"Put it away, Sky." I spoke carefully, not wanting to anger the boy any further. "It won't help."

"I want to rip his eyes out." Skylar's eyes darkened and his tone was etched with wrath.

If I didn't know him, I would've been scared of the expression he held so confidently on his face. Yet I knew that the boy just wanted revenge for his brother, but I also knew that Kade wouldn't want that under any circumstances.

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