Chapter 011: I Want A New Bounty

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(Third Person POV)

Shaw was leaning against Volpina's back while flicking through wanted posters, most of them were full of weak people, so he didn't think much of it & threw it away. I sighed & saw his breath in the air, he was currently on a winter island

"Why are all the pirates these days weak?" he felt Volpina shrug her shoulders

"Who knows." suddenly he found his old wanted poster, "Dead Shot" Shawn, 130,000,000 beli for his head, Dead or Alive! He chuckled to himself as he stared at the picture of himself, he had this evil glint in his eye as he pointed his right pistol to the camera with a smirk

"130,000,000 beli, not bad for a kid, but I want it higher!" he then felt her chuckle "What's so funny?" she shook her head

"Nothing Boss-sama, its nothing. But what do you plan to do to make it go higher?" he hummed to himself before pulling the newspaper out & skimming through it, nothing was so interesting until he saw the mention of "Celestial Dragon" appear

"What are they up too?" he muttered to himself, he read through it & saw that their was a human auction where the Celestial Dragons were sailing too "Hmm, I've got a plan."

(Time Skip)

Miraculously the island where the Celestial Dragons were, were on the island they were on right now. Shaw stealthy staked out the place as Volpina flew around, it looked like a normal place but Shaw knew otherwise

"How does everything look up there, Volpina?" he asked through a transponder snail

"Everything doesn't look to out of the ordinary, a few guards here & there, you'll easily take them out." he nods to himself before putting the snail into his pocket, he was just behind a guard when he took him out & dragged the body elsewhere "There's one to your left." he heard, so as he turned to his left he did a round house & kicked him into the ground

"Thanks." he looked up & she pulled a thumbs up with a grin, he took the keys off the guard before shuffling in, what he didn't know that there was someone else there

'Who is that?' they thought before following in after him, he had shape shifted into one of the guards men before crouching down & putting his fingers to his lips

"Shush now, no one needs to know I'm here." he smirked as the guard muffled out a few cries, he stood up & started walking away. It was such a sad sight, people chained to the wall like animals, it was sickening "& I was one of them..." he muttered to himself

"Oi!" he jumped before turning around, only to see another guard "Keep your guard up newbie, I heard the Revolutionary is here." he raised an eyebrow

"Really?" he nodded

"Yeah, be careful." before he left Shaw grabbed the guards keys, he looked left & right before changing back into his true form

"This is going to be very interesting." he began opening up the cages & unlocking the chains to the slaves & they were full of joy & hope

"We're free! Thank you so much!" they cheer, he grins at them

"Its nothing!" somewhere else was a girl, wearing what looked like a steam punk outfit, brown hair & bright blue eyes (guess who?). She was stalking the Celestial Dragons & noticed one of her comrades was one of their victims

"80,000 beli for her!" she shrieked when the guy in charge pulled at her chain to move her forward, the Celestial Dragon raised his head "Going once! Going Twice! Sol--"

"Stop right there!" the lights went out & the revolutionary girl let out a gasp when her comrade was suddenly in her arms

"Koala-chan!" she looked back towards the stage & saw, Dead Shot Shawn!

"Who are you, intruder?!"

"Just a normal pirate, that's been gone for 3 years because of my grandfather! & I think it was a bad idea to have this auction on the top floor."

"& why is that?" suddenly things started to explode here & there

"Because I rigged this place to go BOOM!!" & the whole room exploded, Koala went to try & leave but the floor collapsed underneath her & her friend & they both began to fall

"What the hell?!"

"Someone save us!!" her friend screamed, suddenly someone caught Koala bridal style as her friend landed in her arms

"Are you an angel?"


"Because you look like you fell from heaven, right into my arms." Koala looked & saw it was Shaw, he had this cheesy grin on his face as he was falling

"Very cheesy, but we're free falling right now!" he laughed

"Oh yeah, Volpina!" this so called Volpina flew underneath them & began flying away

"Sorry I'm late Boss-sama, I had to take care of a few things."

"Its okay, now." he was able to set Koala on Volpina's back as he jumped off & suddenly grew wings "Now how about this, Betsu no Dangan: Vermilion Bullet!" a single vermilion colored bullet shot out of his pistol & the entire building was caught in ablaze of lava & fire

"What kind of bullets are those?!" he turned around & smirked at her

"A special kind, little angel."

(Shawn POV)

I found out that this little girl's name was Koala, hell she looked 14-15! Her friend looked so pale she looked like a ghost, the two were on Volpina as I flew beside her

"By the way, my name is--"

"Dead Shot Shawn or Shaw, I know." I chuckle

"Yeah, that's me angel face." she scoffed

"Angel? Heh, is that what you call all the girls?" when she turned to face me I was suddenly in front of her

"Only the special ones."

"Yeah right." I saw Volpina roll her eyes

"Ignore him, he's just a perverted fuck." I glare at her

"Hey!" that seemed to have made Koala laugh, I suddenly blushed when I heard her laugh "U-Um, I've been meaning to ask you this but... where's your ship?" she hummed

"Oh? Its that one right there!" she said cheerfully, I look down through the snow & saw a ship hidden "Since you know that I'm a Revolutionary, you know the reason why we have to hide our ship." I nod

"Of course, your full if secrets." we flew down & landed on the snowy ground, not to far away from the ship

"Oh right! What about the other--"

"Already taken care of, I set them free & Volpina gave them a ship so they could sail freely!" she sighed

"Thank goodness!" I smile at her, she turned around to leave with her unconscious friend in hers arms but I stopped her "Eh? Is there something else?"

"Uh, can we meet again?" she had a thinking face before laughing again

"Sure! Here's my number!" she handed him her number & waved "See you later, gunslinger!"

"Later, angel face!" & she was out of sight, I sigh dreamily "I got her number, hell yeah!"

"Does that mean your gonna stop checking other girls out?" I laugh


(When I was writing this, I realized that Koala was just an age older then Sabo & she'd be either 14-15 years old! Plus, sorry if this chapter was boring)

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